Registration FAQ
How can I identify what school attendance zone I live in?
The following will help verify school zone boundary lines:
- Refer to your current Craighead County property tax statement
- Go to the Arkansas County Data website by clicking here. Click on (Search Real Estate Records)
You will enter the address at which you reside (house number and street name only), click “SEARCH”. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the school district.
My residence is zoned for a neighboring school district. Can I attend another school district?
- Call the resident district’s administration building and ask to speak to the appropriate person about a Petition for Transfer of Students. Please note that the resident district may or may not release a student(s) and that NPS may or may not accept a student(s).
My residence is zoned for Nettleton Schools. Can I attend another school district?
You must attend the school in the resident district based on your property address unless you apply and are approved to register your child(ren) in a no-resident district by one of the following provisions:
- Student Transfer - If you desire a transfer out of Nettleton Schools to attend a neighboring district (even though you are zoned for Nettleton), you must complete a Petition for Transfer of Students form. A copy of the form can be found here.
- Freedom of Choice - If you (a) desire to attend Nettleton Schools but live outside the district boundaries or (b) live inside the district boundaries and want to attend another Arkansas Public School, you must complete an Application for Transfer to a Non-resident District form, via Arkansas Statute 6-18-206, “Arkansas Public School of Choice Act of 2015”. The Application for Transfer to a Non-Resident District form must be submitted to the non-resident district by May 1 for the following year. If you want to attend Nettleton Schools, please submit your application to the NPS Central Office by May 1. A copy of the Application for Transfer to a Non-resident District form can be found here.
If I am purchasing a home, but the construction will not be completed until a future date, can I register my child based on future address?
On a case-by-case basis, Nettleton Schools allows parents to register based on a contract with a future completion date providing the estimated completion date. A current signed contract and picture ID is required. Once you have moved to a new residence, you will need to provide a current utility bill to the registrar at your child’s school.
Can I choose the school my child attends within Nettleton Schools?
Most often, a school is assigned based on a student’s residence address. However, parent’s have a choice of three options for students at the intermediate level, grades 3rd. - 6th. Preferences may be noted on the form found here.
In addition, there is an In-district Student Transfer request form that may be used for students in grades K-2. The form is located here. Please note that NPS may or may not accept the request.
What if my child’s zoned school exceeds capacity?
Due to the enrollment growth of our school district, some schools may exceed their capacity in particular grade levels. In this case, a student is overflowed to another Nettleton school location. Students are registered on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be added to the overflow list for a particular campus until the student’s registration has been completed. Bus transportation will be provided by Nettleton Schools for students who are overflowed (only for the current school year). Schools within Nettleton Schools follow the same general curriculum and have the same class size with comparable equipment and facilities.
How do I register my child in Nettleton Schools?
You will register your student(s) by using our online registration portal, located on the Nettleton website, You will find the Registration tab in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then select Register New Student. You will need to upload the following documents.
What are the required documents necessary to register my child?
1. Three Proofs of residence
- utility bill/deposit receipt including street address
- house or rental/lease contract
- any current bill with your name and address
2. Proof of child’s age
- Birth certificate
- Passport
3. Certificate of immunization
- Form from a licensed physician or public health department
- Immunization records from previous school records
4. Student identification number
- Social Security Card
- A copy of the parent/guardian’s drivers license
For kindergarten ONLY: Document showing physical examination within the last 12 months
Can a family member or friend other than a parent or legal guardian register a child for Nettleton Schools?
No, only the parent or legal guardian is able to register a child. The parent’s name should be listed on the child’s birth certificate or another legal document establishing proof of guardianship or custody.
What should I do if I change the residence address while attending Nettleton Schools?
You will need to provide three new proofs of residence documentation (ie. lease agreement or gas/electric/water bill) to your child’s current school office.
What should I do to register my child for the Nettleton Pre-Kindergarten program?
You will register your student(s) by using our online registration portal, located on the Nettleton website, You will find the Pre-K Registration tab at the top of the screen. You will need to upload the following documents.
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Immunization Record - From a licensed physician or a public health department
- Physical - Document showing physical examination within the last 12 months
For any questions about our Pre-K program please contact one of the following: Dr. Lacy Baker or Stacey Jackson