• Middle School Students should attend school regularly and on time. Students should be at school when the first bell rings at 8:35 a.m each school day.  It is extremely difficult for a student to keep up with class work without regular attendance.  Students who miss more than 14 days of school will be required to have physician verification for further absences.
    If your student will be absent- CALL THE SCHOOL  415-389-7711.  It is the parent or guardian responsibility to contact the school if the student is not in attendance.  
    If your student will be arriving late to school-- Please call or send a note if your student will be more than 5-10 minutes late to school.  If your student arrives after 9:00 a.m, and you have not notified the school of the late arrival, you may have an unexcused absence message on your home phone.   If in doubt- call the school 415- 389-7722 and leave a message.  Students who arrive to school more than 30 minutes late without a verified excuse are considered truant.
    Information for Parents regarding Appointments during the School Day.. how to.
    Need to write a note for a student absence?  Try this one.
    See information below for Mill Valley School Board Policy on Absences.   Students who miss school may be referred to the Marin County office of Education for a hearing with the Student Attendance Review Board.  These referrals and records become a permanent part of a cumulative school record.