Welcome Strawberry Point families! 


    On behalf of the Strawberry Point School PTA, I want to extend a very warm welcome to all of our new and returning families. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer, and I’m sure every family is as excited as mine for the start of the new school year! 

     This is my second year as PTA President, and I am really excited about what this school year has in store for all of us. The mission of the PTA is to positively impact the lives of children and families, and together at Strawberry Point School, we support this mission through our wide-ranging efforts of supporting school and district programs, supporting the school community through family events, and giving direct help to the teachers and staff at our school. 

    In the coming weeks, we will have information on volunteer opportunities and ways you can sign up to support your child’s education and experience. And until then, please join the PTA! As a member of the SPS PTA, you are a voice for our kids and part of the largest child advocacy program in the world.  It really is a rewarding experience!

     Strawberry Point School is truly a special place, where we are fortunate to be a part of an amazing community of students, parents, teachers and staff.  Contributing to the SPS PTA only enhances and strengthens these relationships. Thank you for helping to make every student’s potential a reality!

    You can support the Strawberry PTA by:

    • Becoming a PTA member: sign-ups are now online. By becoming a member, you will receive voting rights at PTA meetings and truly make a difference in your child’s education.
    • Volunteering: share your talents virtual with our school. By getting involved, you’ll be part of the solution, helping to make positive change.\
    • Donating: You’ve had our back for so long, and we truly appreciate you for this. So it's our turn to pay it forward, we will not start our fundraising campaign until the spring. But you are most welcome to do so if you can. 

    Here is a list of thing that will continue to be funded and supported by your PTA while in distance learning:

    • Teacher Grants
    • Counselor Materials
    • It Takes A Village
    • Special Ed. PTA
    • Grade Level Programs and Activities 
    • Online Assemblies and Author Visits
    • PE Equipment
    • Teacher, Administration and Staff Appreciation
    • 100% of Naturalist Program/Salary
    • Maintenance of garden
    • Curriculum materials for garden
    • A Touch of Understanding
    • Special Needs Program
    • Cultural Inclusion Assemblies
    • Campus Projects for our exciting return
    • Weekly What’s Up & Website
    • Spiritwear
    • Yearbook
    • Community Outreach
    • Book Fairs...

    Strawberry Point School is truly a special place.  We have an amazing community of students, parents, teachers and staff.  Contributing to the SPS PTA only enhances and strengthens this relationship. Thank you for helping to make every student’s potential a reality. 

    Let’s have a great year!


    Jamie Johnson

    Strawberry Point PTA president