• Strawberry Point School Emergency Procedures

    In the event of a major disaster (e.g., earthquake, fire, etc.), SCHOOL WILL NOT BE DISMISSED, AND CHILDREN WILL REMAIN UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF SCHOOL AUTHORITIES until parents or responsible adults can pick them up. 


    1. REMAIN CALM.  Your child is probably safer at school in the event of a disaster.  School personnel are trained in CPR, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness.  In the event of a disaster, school staff members are designated as Disaster Service Workers and must remain with your children for up to 72 hours after the emergency.  The school has a supply of food, fresh water and first aid supplies.
    1. DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL.  You will receive a message from MVSD's emergency phone calling service.   If it is an emergency notification, it will include instructions.  See Emergency Notification protocols below.
    1. KEEP YOUR CHILD'S EMERGENCY CONTACT CARD UP-TO-DATE.  If necessary, we will release your child to the adult indicated on your child's emergency contact card.  We will keep a written record of the child and the adult to whom they have been released.
    1. PREPARE YOUR CHILD.  Let your child know who can pick them up at school if you cannot be there.
    1. WALK TO SCHOOL, IF POSSIBLE.  Leave the streets free for emergency vehicles.
    1. DO NOT REMOVE YOUR CHILD OR ANY OTHER CHILD FROM SCHOOL WITHOUT SIGNING OUT AT THE STUDENT RELEASE AREA.  This provides a record of where each child is located.  The student release area is at the main gate in the parking lot adjacent East Strawberry Drive.  School staff will assist you during checkout procedure. 

    Emergency Communications Protocols

    When incidents happen in our community, we collaborate with our local law enforcement or health department partners. We update you as soon as we are able to safely do so. The steps listed below are a guide to how the District office will be communicating with families:
    1. Website Pop-Up AlertWe have a constant pop-up alert on all pages of our website.  This will state if schools are open or closed.
    2. ParentSquare Alert: We send a ParentSquare alert which generates an instant message to your chosen method of contact.

    3. ParentSquare emailWe send a ParentSquare email post to all district families.

    4. Updates: We will provide updates on the website (pop-up) and with ParentSquare as new information is received.  
    5. Social Media: We update social media if time allows - Instagram, Facebook

    6. Debrief: Following the event, we post a debrief document on our website headlines section and report out with ParentSquare and in the Family Newsletter.

    This is a reminder that should we ever have to close any of our schools because of an emergency situation, prior to school opening for the day, we will send out a ParentSquare alert to all families.  This alert will be sent out between 6:30-7:00 a.m.  No notification will be sent out if schools are open.  Login in to your ParentSquare account to verify your contact information is up-to-date.

    If you are uncertain or wish to double check the status of schools, please go directly to our website where an alert notification bubble will state the current status of our sites.


    For more information about our Emergency Preparedness Plans, please visit this page of our website.

    The PTA Emergency Preparedness Committee ensures that disaster procedures are up-to-date, and maintains supplies such as food, water, first aid, and search & rescue supplies.  It also organizes an annual disaster drill held at the school.  If you would like more information about our efforts or would like to volunteer, please contact the Emergency Chairperson .