Independence High School seeks to provide an individualized, academically challenging program for all students which will emphasize the development of personal responsibility and promote positive growth in academics, interpersonal relations, and values necessary in becoming productive citizens.
“The philosophy of Independence High School education program is to provide a coordinated program of educational options and services designed to meet the specific and individual needs of students.” Our programs and services are aligned with state and district guidelines and are designed to assist students in preparing to become contributing members of society
Dear Parents and Students,
The Independence High School community realizes the importance of a collaborative effort in providing you the most engaging, caring, and successful educational experience possible. With strong support from parents, guardians, school personnel, district administration and the board of education, our students will thrive.
At Independence High School, we work with students one-on-one and in small groups, allowing a flexible environment. Our curriculum is
- Rigorous
- Demanding
- Dynamic
We have transitioned to an online/virtual school to prepare our students for the challenges of the 21st century. For all students, we teach to standards that are robust and relevant to the real world, preparing students for the skills they will need to be successful in college and careers.
Enrollment at Independence High School is designed to support each student’s special needs, while offering a standards-based education that requires student commitment and parental support. We look forward to this school year; working together we can provide the best possible education for each student.
Principal, Independence High School