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Welcome to Hebron Middle School!

About HMS

Hebron Middle School serves students in grades 6-8. Since 2012, HMS has been awarded the designation of a  “School to Watch” by the National Forum for Middle Grades Reform. Our focus on academic excellence, social equity, and developmental responsiveness drives the day to day schedule as well as student programs both during and outside of school hours.  Teachers focus on engaged learning through cross curricular projects and hands-on inquiry-based activities. Within each school day, all students have opportunities to receive additional help when necessary. Class offerings are available for our high ability learners and every 8th grader earns high school credit while in middle school. 
Mr. Matt Beahm, Middle School Principal
Mr. Matthew Beahm

(219) 996-4771 ext. 218


Our strong advisory program supports the social and emotional needs of students by utilizing student leaders and service learning.  Students have many extracurricular activities to choose from including sports, drama, media club, honor society, STUCO, esports and various student-initiated clubs each year.


Latest News

Transfer In Student Capacity for 2024-25 SY

All Transfer In Requests must be received by 3:00 pm on August 2, 2024.

Please e-mail the Building Principal or call the office at 219-996-4771 with your request:

ES - Mr. Prikkel -      x-103
MS - Mr. Beahm -   x-101
HS - Mr. Owney -     x-119

Below are the number of Transfer-In Students per grade level that we can accept:

2024-25 School Year
Grade Total # of New Transfer Students we can accept
Kdg 24
1st -3
2nd 16
3rd 2
4th 12
5th 3
6th 5
7th 25
8th 30
9th 30
10th 25
11th 13
12th 6
