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Welcome to Hebron Elementary!

About HES

Hebron Elementary is proud to offer a small-town setting and a lower student-to-teacher ratio, which ensures that all students are known, valued, supported, and truly part of our school family.  Our goal is to provide a personalized learning experience for all K-5 students. We do so by having strong interventions to meet individual needs. We also offer creative and innovative ways to learn in courses such as STEM, music, physical education, and art. All students receive 1-to-1 devices to enhance their learning using up-to-date technology.  Students have opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities such as Spell Bowl, art club, run club, Circle the State with Song, 5th grade basketball, and even theater through a partnership with our high school drama department.  

Mr. Timothy Prikkel, Elementary Principal
Mr. Timothy Prikkel, Principal

(219) 996-4771 ext. 102


At Hebron Elementary, we provide a positive, welcoming, and safe environment in which students can thrive. The dedicated staff at Hebron Elementary is second to none. Our teachers continually train and educate themselves in order to give our students the best possible school experience. Recent building improvements have added security and safety measures and created flexible learning spaces. We have an expansive library, inviting courtyards and playgrounds, and a newly updated elementary gymnasium. Our PTG hosts many engaging activities for students and families throughout the year. 

Hebron Elementary Performance Report



Latest News

Transfer In Student Capacity for 2024-25 SY

All Transfer In Requests must be received by 3:00 pm on August 2, 2024.

Please e-mail the Building Principal or call the office at 219-996-4771 with your request:

ES - Mr. Prikkel -      x-103
MS - Mr. Beahm -   x-101
HS - Mr. Owney -     x-119

Below are the number of Transfer-In Students per grade level that we can accept:

2024-25 School Year
Grade Total # of New Transfer Students we can accept
Kdg 24
1st -3
2nd 16
3rd 2
4th 12
5th 3
6th 5
7th 25
8th 30
9th 30
10th 25
11th 13
12th 6
