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All Transfer In Requests must be received by 3:00 pm on August 2, 2024.
Please e-mail the Building Principal or call the office at 219-996-4771 with your request:
ES - Mr. Prikkel - prikkelt@hebronschools.k12.in.us x-103
MS - Mr. Beahm - beahmm@hebronschools.k12.in.us x-101
HS - Mr. Owney - owneya@hebronschools.k12.in.us x-119
Below are the number of Transfer-In Students per grade level that we can accept:
2024-25 School Year | |
Grade | Total # of New Transfer Students we can accept |
Kdg | 24 |
1st | -3 |
2nd | 16 |
3rd | 2 |
4th | 12 |
5th | 3 |
6th | 5 |
7th | 25 |
8th | 30 |
9th | 30 |
10th | 25 |
11th | 13 |
12th | 6 |