Resources for Bookkeepers & Principals
Accessing NexGen when Local School Server is Off-Line
It is rare, but occasionally NexGen is not accessible at the local school. Click on the attached files for directions for how to access.
Topics for Principals and Bookkeepers
An explanation of public and non-public school funds with discussion of procedures, restrictions, and responsibilities.
Financial Primer for Principals
An explanation of areas related to finance such as funding for Alabama school districts, financial reporting requirements, interpreting financial information and areas that cost school districts additional dollars.
Budgeting from a Local School Accounting Perspective
As you begin work on the Next Year Budget remember a budget is not etched in stone. A budget is a best guess estimate based on information available at a given point in time.
Accountability Report
Documentation that Total Receipts = Total Expenditures.
Information and Procedures
Describes what constitutes an accommodation and details what to do should funds collected as accommodations exceed or not meet the disbursal amount.
Bookkeeper Specific (Not PR)
Field Trip
Journal Entries
Example Journal Entry for setting up a receivable/payable
Example Journal Entry for setting up a receivable-payable.xls 36.00 KB (Last Modified on September 4, 2014)
OJI - Incident Reports
AL Board of Adjustments - On the Job Injury Claim
NOTE: Claims for out of pocket expenses resulting from an on the job injury must be presented to the Alabama State Board of Adjustment within one year after the date of the on the job injury.
Personal Injury (Student or Non-Employee) and/or Property Damage Report
Incident Report Student or Non-Employee eff 12-01-2017.pdf 48.01 KB (Last Modified on December 1, 2017) -
Personal Injury / Property Damage Report
STATE of AL PERSONAL INJURY-PROPERTY DAMAGE REPORT eff 12-01-2017.pdf 812.69 KB (Last Modified on December 1, 2017)
School Store
Advanced Travel & Travel Reconciliation Forms
The Advanced Travel & Travel Reconciliation Forms file will download in Excel format. Open the downloaded file and save the file to your computer because you will need both forms at different times. The Advance Travel Form is completed prior to your trip and the Travel Reconciliation Form is completed after your trip.Prior to your trip, complete the worksheet named, 1) Advance Travel Form and save the file once you are finished. Print and sign the Advance Travel Form, then submit it to your local school bookkeeper, or your Administrative Assistant.Upon your return from the trip reopen the saved file and complete the second worksheet named, 2) Travel Reconciliation Form. Most of your trip information will be saved from the Advance Travel Form. Add any additional trip related expense that was not included on the Advance Travel Form and save your changes. Print and sign the Travel Reconciliation Form. Submit it to your local school bookkeeper, or your Administrative Assistant. -
Travel Guidelines and Procedures
Travel Procedure Guidelines for Requisitions and Advances.xlsx 12.51 KB (Last Modified on December 1, 2017)
Ticket Sales
MBS Vendor Information Form
All new vendors are required to complete the Mountain Brook Schools Vendor Add Form and return it with a signed copy of a W-9
Both forms may be submitted to Finance Department