• Attendance at BWF 

    Attendance records are monitored daily by the classroom teacher and the office. Students must be in school for a total of 3.5 hours per day in order to be counted present. Therefore, students who check out before 11:30 and do not return, or arrive at school after 11:30 will be considered absent for the day.  Only absences due to religious holidays, health, death in the immediate family, or other school-related activities will be excused. Requests for assignments during absences must be made by 10:00. Homework may be picked up from the office after 2:30, or taken home by another student designated by the person requesting assignments.


    Students arriving after 7:50 am will be considered tardy, and must be signed in at the office by an adult.  Students leaving before 2:50 p.m. must be signed out at the office by a parent or authorized adult. The authorized adult should be listed on the registration form as having permission to remove the student from school. Injured or ill students may be signed out directly from the health room.

    If your child is absent or comes to school late, they will be required to submit an excuse regarding their absence within three days of the absence. Each excuse should be submitted through the school's attendance email listed below and include the following miniumum information:
    • Date the excuse is submitted
    • Name of student
    • Reason the student was absent
    • Date of the absence
    • Signature of the parent or guardian


    A picture of an excuse with a signature would suffice. Please see examples of excuses for references:

    Acceptable Excuse 

    Acceptable Excuse

    Unacceptable Excuse

    Excessive Absences

    The Alabama Administrative Code, Chapter 290-3-1-02(7)(c), requires school systems to notify you of the unexcused absence and warn you that further unexcused absences may lead to mandatory meetings, penalties, and court involvement for you and your student.  Brookwood Forest Elementary is in compliance with the policies and processes of both Mountain Brook City Schools and Alabama Administrative Code.  Please read the information below to understand the action and steps BWF is required to take when a student reaches certain numbers of absences.


    • First Unexcused Absence - For the first absence for which a written excuse is not submitted within 3 days.  By law, the school will send parents a letter that reviews the compulsory school attendance law, including penalties if truancy continues.
    • Fifth Unexcused Absence - By board policy, school administrators will schedule a conference with the parent/guardian and, when appropriate, the student and the district attendance officer.  At this meeting, parents will receive and be asked to sign a copy of Alabama's compulsory attendance law, including penalties if truancy continues.  
    • Seventh Unexcused Absence -  By board policy, the school administration must turn the matter over to the district truancy officer.  By law and board policy, the district may consider referring the case to the juvenile court's Early Warning Panel.
    Absences for Medical Reasons
    Missing more than ten (10) days of school per semester is considered excessive.  If a student misses more than 10 days for medical reasons per semester, the parent/guardian may be required to provide written medical verification for the subsequent absence from a licensed physician stating that the absence was a medical necessity.  If written medical verification is not received, the absence will be unexcused. 
    To minimize the spread of communicable illnesses, please do not send children to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours.