• Why is the Chromebook the best device for Mountain Brook Students?

    The Chromebook was selected by a committee of students, teachers, and parents based on instructional needs. Windows, Apple, and Chrome devices were reviewed.  While all devices evaluated had unique features, the Chromebook was selected because it met the identified criteria at a lower price point versus higher price point devices. The Chromebook offers the tools necessary to assist learning without distracting students with additional features.


    Will students take the device home?

    Depending on the grade level, and situation, devices will either be kept on campus or will go home with the student. 

    • PK - Grades 3: Devices will stay on campus for students and will be charged each night in preparation for the school day. 
    • Grades 4 - 6: Devices will travel home with the student each night. Students will take their assigned Chromebook home with them. It will be the student’s responsibility to charge the device each night. 
    • Virtual Students: Devices will be assigned to students and remain at home with students during virtual learning. 
    • PK - 3rd Grade Remote Learning Students: Students will be allowed to use their Chromebook at home while in a remote learning situation. 


    How do elementary teachers use Chromebooks for learning?

    Chromebooks have been available to teachers and students at our elementary schools for several years.  During this time, our faculty has become well-versed in using the devices for instructional purposes.  Our instructional technology view is that devices are tools to help guide learning.  Devices do not replace teachers and/or student interaction, but instead enhance learning opportunities.  Although we believe students should be on devices too often, teachers have become skilled in leveraging online resources to maximize student learning and overall experience.


    Will the Chromebooks be returned in May for the summer?

    At this time it is our plan for elementary students to return devices before the summer and then be reissued Chromebooks in August.


    What if the device breaks?

    When a device has an issue or breaks, students should report the issue to their primary teacher or homeroom teacher. Students will be issued a loaner device until the other is fixed and returned. 


    What if I lose my assigned Chromebook?

    Students should contact their teacher if they lose their device. The teacher will contact the techhnology coordinator when necessary. 


    What if I leave my device at home? (4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Only)

    Students are expected to bring the device to school each day as they would other school supplies. 


    What applications are available?

    A Chromebook is a lightweight device designed to provide fast access to online resources as well as the capability to work offline. Students will be able to access most Internet-based resources for curriculum purposes. Production tools will include Google Apps for Education and Office 365 which both offer calendars for organization, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and audio and video capabilities. Chrome is the main web browser and provides access to many applications for the classroom.


    How will students learn to use the Chromebook?

    Training will be provided the first week of school during class. Short videos and how-to information will be available on our website.


    What type of filtering is done through the school system?

    Content that is shared through student email and saved in the cloud is filtered for inappropriate and/or questionable content in an effort to keep our students safe. In the event that inappropriate content is found, the student will receive a warning email.  If deemed appropriate to elevate the issue, the incident will be reported to the school and school officials will follow typical protocols to keep students safe or correct any inappropriate behavior.  


    What textbooks are available online?

    We have many online resources used in our classes. Our main textbook resources may be found under Student Resources on our website.