• Enrichment Program

    • PURPOSE 
      The purpose of the Enrichment Program is to serve the academic and creative needs of students who require more challenge than can be provided in their classroom. The Enrichment Program is used to serve those children who are deemed eligible by our committee.  These children need time to work with a similar peer group, foster social and emotional skills, learn at a faster pace and dig a little bit deeper into the curriculum and their interests. In Mountain Brook Schools, we work to make sure that each child is engaged and challenged, and enrichment is another tool for us to use.

      We believe most students’ needs are being met in the classrooms through differentiation and classroom enrichment. A wide range of academic abilities are considered in identification for pull-out.  Identification is based on multiple criteria as listed below:

      • A demonstrated NEED for more than the classroom can provide
      • Ability to miss instruction time in classroom and easily transition
      • Aptitude testing
      • Renzulli gifted characteristics checklist
      • Work samples, grades, teacher evaluations, reasoning skills/logic, creative thinking, critical thinking, work ethic, motivation to learn, and task commitment

      After compiling the information, a Child Study Team comprised of the classroom teacher,  grade level representative,  counselor,  Enrichment Specialist, an administrator and others, as deemed necessary, work together make an informed decision regarding placement.  Placement is a team decision.  The Child Study Team looks at all the data and enters testing, work samples, and gifted characteristics scale on the state approved matrix to determine eligibility. High scores alone are not enough to determine if a child should be a part of the Enrichment Program.

      Programs vary based on the age and needs of the children. Services include the following:

      • Informal enrichment program in K-6 with the classroom teachers
      • Cluster groupings and differentiated instruction in the classrooms
      • Collaboration between Enrichment Specialist and classroom teachers
      • Formal pull-out program for grades 3-6 with the Enrichment Specialist
      For more information, please click here.