Attendance Protocol
We encourage family time to be spent and will assure that in the case of an absence a student will receive make-up work. However, we are limited in what we can consider ‘excused’ and encourage your student to be in attendance daily. Learning experiences with teachers and peers is invaluable!
Truancy defined…any student who does not provide a written excuse within 3 days of an absence is deemed truant. Keep in mind that a written excuse does not automatically constitute an ‘excused’ absence.
According to J-12 district policy, ‘excused absences’ include: illness, death in immediate family, weather preventing attendance, legal requirements, permission by the principal, and/or religious holidays.
‘Unexcused’ absences would account for any reasons other than those defined above.
Absences deemed ‘unexcused’ result in the following:
*First offense By Alabama law, this letter must be sent to parent/guardian including a copy of Alabama compulsory school attendance law, including penalties if truancy continues. Local school administration may impose other penalties.
*Fifth offense in school year By board policy, mandatory parent/guardian/student conference with school administrator. Letter must be presented to parent/guardian including a copy of Alabama compulsory school attendance law, including penalties if truancy continues. Signature that parent/guardian has received letter must be collected.
*Seventh offense in school year Turned over to District Attendance/Truancy Officer. By law and board policy, system may consider referring case to juvenile court (Early Warning Program).
*Tenth offense in school year By law and board policy, system will refer to juvenile court when appropriate.