Phone: 205-871-8191
Degrees and Certifications:
Samford University ยปBS - Early Childhood/Elem Education ยปMA - Elementary Education
Mr. Bill Andrews
Bill is beginning his 24th year of teaching - all at MBE. Over 60% of his life has been at MBE, either as a student back in the day or as a teacher! The highlight of Bill's school year is taking the 5th grade to Alpine Camp in Mentone, AL for a week where they take school to the mountains! Experiential learning is a core belief in his teaching style and philosophy.
Outside of school, Bill enjoys time with his wife, Suzanne Andrews, and their two kids, Alexandra and Ryder. Alexandra is a 5th grade teacher in Homewood, and Ryder works in the construction business. His time is also spent running a business he created 11 years ago, Treeline Expeditions LLC, where he takes learning outside the classroom and gets people of all ages outdoors, active, and unplugged.