ALET (replacing AETA)
The Alabama Education Technology Association (AETA) is the premiere professional organization for technology education professionals in Alabama.
CoSN Alabama Leaders (CALL) is the official CoSN Chapter for Alabama and is the leadership subgroup for AETA. Membership in CoSN automatically includes membership in CALL. -
The Consortium of School Networking (CoSN) is considered to be the organization for thought leadership. -
CoSN Bootcamp
Serving on CoSN committees provides invaluable professional development opportunities as well as collaboration opportunities with colleagues across the country. Login credentials required.
The Internation Association for K-12 On-Line Learning (iNACOL) . iNACOL is a nonprofit organization with the mission to ensure all students have access to a world-class education and quality blended and online learning opportunities that prepare them for a lifetime of success.