Phone: (830) 798 - 3602
Degrees and Certifications:
BA - Theatre Arts, Texas State University
Jon Clark is a graduate from Texas State University in San Marcos and earned his BFA in Theatre Education in 2008. Upon graduation Clark was offered a position at Marble FallsHigh School as the technical director, after a successful year he accepted the position of Theatre Arts director at Marble Falls Middle School. In 2013 he was offered the position of head director at Marble Falls High School. In that time he has been lucky enough to sponsor numerous national qualifying actors and technicians and state qualifying and placing technical design students. This past UIL season the MFHS OAP, Alice!, placed 5th at region making it into the top 20 shows in the state for the 5A division.
2101 Mustang Drive Marble Falls, TX 78654 (PHONE) 830-693-4375 (FAX) 830-693-6079 Site Map