Gasaway Family
  • Dr. Gasaway has lived in Marble Falls since 2016. His wife of 23 years, Kara Gasaway, also works for

    the District and is currently the Principal at Spicewood Elementary. The Gasaways have two sons.

    Hunter graduated from Marble Falls High School in 2020 and now attends The University of Texas at

    Austin where his major is Radio-Television-Film. Hayden is a senior at Marble Falls High School,

    active as a varsity tennis player and the girls’ basketball manager. Dr. Gasaway enjoys hunting on

    the weekends to fill his freezer, going to the movies with Hunter, playing tennis with Hayden, and

    taking family trips to the beach.


    Dr. Gasaway earned his undergraduate degree at Texas Tech University and later received a Master’s

    Degree in Educational Administration from Texas A&M Commerce followed by a Doctorate in

    Education from Baylor University.


    Beginning his career in Lubbock Cooper ISD for a year before moving to Plano ISD, Dr. Gasaway

    spent thirteen years serving as an athletic trainer, teacher, coach, assistant principal, associate

    principal, principal and Director of HR. In 2010, Dr. Gasaway then moved to Midway ISD where he

    ultimately served as principal of Midway High School. During his time at Midway, Dr. Gasaway also

    worked as an adjunct professor at Baylor University teaching a leadership class for freshmen



    In 2016, Dr. Gasaway began his tenure at Marble Falls ISD and his impact has been widespread

    across the district. He attributes his track record of success to surrounding himself with good

    leaders and support staff­ who help accomplish the ultimate goal as a team.


    Dr. Gasaway frequently credits the District’s exceptional Board of Trustees and the partnership they

    share in leading Marble Falls ISD forward.


    Board President, Kevin Naumann, shared, “Dr. Gasaway is the natural fit for the role of Superintendent

    for Marble Falls ISD. He is humble and kind, and he has a heart for every child’s success. He has

    been loyal to the District and has a proven track record of smart, thoughtful, and strategic decision

    making; all while loving every child, staff­, and community member in a way that inspires them to be

    their very best. He listens and cares deeply. He is honest and genuine. He has a deep knowledge of

    the educational institution, but, more importantly, he is driven by a set of core values and faith that

    he is working toward something greater than himself or any one of us.”


    Dr. Gasaway said, “I feel blessed to have been with Marble Falls ISD and part of the Marble Falls

    community since 2016. I am honored to have the faith and confidence of the Board, staff­, and

    community to lead the Marble Falls District to new heights. For the last 8 years, we have been

    dedicated to love and inspire the students and staff­ of MFISD. I promise to continue the growth we

    have seen and will continue to build Marble Falls into a District of Destination.”