• Heritage Elementary School

    School Community Council


    Wednesday, January 11, 2023

    1. Welcome to School Community Council

    2. Review Minutes

    3. Approve Last Meetings Minutes

    Motion to Approve Minutes by___________________________Second____________________

    1. School Land Trust Spent Year to Date

    Spent:     79,737.59

    Remaining: 27,679.41

    % Remaining      25.77%

    1. Technology needs for next year

    2. School Safety Plan

    3. Next years (2023-24) Land Trust Money has not yet been allocated yet…However, we will base it off of last years budget amount given 104,723.00

    4. Ideas for How Money Should Be Spent 

      1. Reading Paraprofessionals for our Reading Program (TIER II)

        1. Provide Aide Support to Reading Program. 

        2. Cost $42,000.00

        3. Discussion

      2. AMITY Aides

        1. Provide Classroom Support to Teachers/Students. 

        2. Cost about $5333.33  X   3   = $16,000.00 

        3. Discussion

      3. Aide Support

        1. In Classrooms

        2. 168 days X 5 hours a day @ 13.09 per hour 

        3. Total Cost $11,000.00  (1 full-time or 2 part-time)

        4. Discussion

      4. Computers to put on a 4 year rotation

        1. Buy computers: We are on a 4 year rotation (year 1 of 4).

        2. Cost $1,000.00 per Computer x 10 Units

        3. Total Cost $10,000.00

        4. Discussion

      5. Chromebooks for School

        1. Buy for school

        2. Cost $360.00 x 60 units

        3. Total Cost $21,600.00

        4. Discussion

      6. Software for Reading Inventory/Reading Counts

        1. $2,900.00

        2. Discussion

      7. Matching grant for Library (JMW)

        1. $1200.00

    5. Other items of business

      1. School Safety 

    6. Motion to Close Meeting_______________________________Second_____________________