October 2022 School Community Council Agenda

  • Heritage Elementary School

    School Community Council


    Tuesday, October 18, 2022

    1. Welcome to Community Council 

    2. Review This Year’s Membership along with taking attendance. 

      1. Kendall Welker (Chair)

      2. Ali Olsen Vice (Chair)

      3. Andrea Linton (Parent)

      4. Sara Anderson (Parent)

      5. Ysabel Segovia (Parent)

      6. Melisa Richardson (Parent)

      7. Maria Jones (Teacher)

      8. Lance Robins (Principal)

    3. School Website Up and Running 

      1. Contact person Shalayne Merrill 

      2. https://www.ccsdut.org/heritage

    4. Safety Week will be October 24-28 

      1. Discussion of Activities for the week (Maria Jones)

    5. School Land Trust Reports Due: October 20, 2022

      1. Principal Assurance-----Completed

      2. Council Membership----Completed

      3. All Will Be Listed on Heritages Webpage 

      4. http://www.schoollandtrust.org/

    6. Front Entry Doors Locked (still working on camera)

    7. School Land Trust Budget Year to Date

    Roll-Over Funds $2,693.22

    Allocation                      $104,723.56

    Total Budget $107,416.78

    Amount Used $20,095.26

    Amount Left $87,321.52

    Percent Remaining 81.29%

    1.  School information

    1. Halloween  

          a. Dress-up like favorite character in book 

          b. Students need to follow dress code

        XI.  School Grade Report A 😊

        XII. SNAP (Student Neighborhood Access Program) Information (Updated)

    1. https://www.snapforschools.com

        XIV. Other Items to be put on next month’s agenda

    XV.  Motion to close Meeting ________________ Second ____________

    The End Thank You