Lockdown Protocol
Locks, lights, out of sight.The Lockdown protocol is initiated when there is a potential threat or hazard inside the school building. Lockdown uses school security actions to protect students and staff from the threat.
As student and employee safety is our primary concern during a Lockdown, limited information about the incident will be distributed until we can guarantee that the building has been secured and that information is accurate. Once we are able to share information, phone messages and emails explaining the situation will be sent out to parents via PowerSchool notifications. Depending on the emergency, the school district may also post information and updates on its website or social media accounts.PARENTS
During a Lockdown, no one will be allowed to enter the school building. Law enforcement and school personnel will be busy working to control the situation and the arrival of parents may distract them from the emergency situation. Parents should not come to the school during a Lockdown. Please stay home, stay informed, and be ready to come pick up your child when the reunification process begins.