• Technology/ Information Resources

    Students at North Cache are privileged to have access to many kinds of electronic information resources.  The use of electronic resources is a privilege and not a right.  Inappropriate use of resources will result in the loss of services, disciplinary action, and/or referral to legal authorities.  Your privileges will be denied, revoked, or suspended for inappropriate activities on the internet or other electronic information resources. You are given a Gmail account and may not save files in this account that are inappropriate or violate any of the school’s rules, nor anything that would violate the district’s Acceptable Use Policy.

    Useful online resources include:



    The North Cache Library website:


    has links to Utah's Online Library, Sora, and many other useful sites.  Utah's Online Library has a username and password that you will need for at home use.

    Username: online 

    Password: database  


    Technology Acceptable Use Policy

    Acceptable use can be easily summarized by asking yourself whether or not the activity is in support of education, school businesses, or research within the educational goals and objectives of the Cache County School District.  More detailed information may be found in the "Acceptable Use Contract" available in the office, computer labs, or on the North Cache homepage. A student must sign the “Acceptable Use Policy” before he/she is allowed to use any school computer.