• Discipline Policy

    The following list includes common infractions of school rules. Because other forms

    of misbehavior are not listed does not mean that they are permitted.

    1. Classroom Disruptions

    Students displaying inappropriate behavior in the classroom will be dealt with by the

    classroom teacher. If the problem persists, an office referral will be made. Excessive

    classroom disruption may result in a referral to the school resource officer.

    2. Profanity, Vulgarity, Obscene Materials

    Includes obscene language, racial profanities, gestures, or pornographic materials.

    Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. School service learning, detention and/or suspension, referral to the school

    resource officer, and parent/guardian contact.

    3. Insubordination

    Disrespectful behavior towards an adult in authority – Refusal to identify one’s self,

    disrespectful language, challenging authority, refusing to obey a reasonable request,

    running from an adult in authority, or lying to an adult in authority. Consequences may

    include but are not limited to:

    a. Office referral.

    b. Parent/guardian contact by teacher and/or administration.

    c. Detention and/or suspension.

    d. Referral to the school resource officer

    4. Cheating

    Cheating is 1) unfair, 2) breaks trust between students and staff, 3) violates school

    rules, 4) dishonest, 5) and is generally described as plagiarism (copying the work of

    others and submitting it as your own) or securing answers in a dishonest way.

    Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Teachers shall counsel the student(s); parents will be contacted by the referring


    b. Automatic failing grade on the assignment/test and a drop in citizenship grade.

    c. Teachers may refer students to administration for documentation and appropriate


    d. Detention, suspension, or other appropriate action as assigned by administration.

    5. Cell Phones

    The district has adopted the following policy as a guideline for students in 7th & 8th

    grades: (see CCSD Policy II-H1)


    Students who choose to bring cellular devices and/or other electronic devices to school

    do so at their own risk. North Cache and Cache County School District assume NO

    LIABILITY for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.


    North Cache will allow the use of electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, etc.

    before and after school and during lunch breaks as long as they do not create a

    distraction or a disruption. Students needing to use their phone at other times during

    the day may arrange with a teacher in their classroom or in the office. Use of cell

    phones is strictly prohibited in classrooms, locker rooms, restrooms, and shower



    If there is reasonable suspicion that the cellular/technological device was

    used in the transmission of picture(s), recording(s) of a person(s) from a

    bathroom, locker room, and/or dressing area, the building administration

    may search the contents of that device, may confiscate the device, and/or

    contact local law enforcement representatives and make the appropriate

    reports” (CCSD School Board Policy).


    Students who violate these rules are subject to removal from school and may have

    their electronic devices confiscated for a period of time.


    Consequences may include:

    a. First violation: confiscation of phone; returned at the end of the day to the student.

    b. Second violation: confiscation of phone; returned after 5 school days or to the

    parent/legal guardian.

    c. Successive violations: confiscation of phone; returned to parent only with a signed

    contractual agreement requiring student to check in the phone to administration at

    the beginning of EACH school day.

    6. Student Affection and Familiarity

    Public display of affection (PDA) and behaviors of sexual connotation or nature are

    inappropriate at school. Examples include kissing, inappropriate touching, and

    excessive hugging. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Warning.

    b. Office referral.

    c. Parent contact.

    7. Bus Behavior

    Every student has the obligation to obey school bus regulations. The school bus and

    bus stops are considered extensions of the school. Consequences may include but are

    not limited to:

    a. The bus driver and school administration may take appropriate disciplinary action.

    b. Loss of one's bus transportation privileges.


    Cache County Student Transportation Policy

    Where travel is involved, students must ride district-approved transportation to and

    from any school-sponsored activity. Parents are the only persons allowed to provide

    return transportation in a private vehicle at any event (no alternate family members).

    District Transportation Policy states: “Any student who knowingly avoids school

    officials so that they cannot be transported back from an event will automatically be

    excluded from Activity Trip bus transportation for a minimum of one complete year

    (365 days) or up to the remainder of the student’s school experience, at the discretion

    of the school administrator.”

    No school-sponsored activity (in or out of district) will be exempt from transporting

    students by district-sponsored transportation and adhering to the above policy.

    8. Tardy to Class

    We firmly believe all students are capable of getting to class on time. A tardy is defined

    as not being in the classroom AND prepared as defined by the teacher when then the

    bell rings to begin class. Students will be expected to be to ALL classes on time.

    Excessive tardiness may have an impact on a student's academic grade, citizenship

    grade, and therefore participation in extracurricular activities. Being late to class more

    than 10 minutes without a valid excuse may be considered a sluff. All tardies will

    be documented by the classroom teacher. Attendance details are available to students

    and parents using PowerSchool. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    1st & 2nd tardy = Teacher warning.

    3rd tardy = Teacher phone call or email to parent(s)/legal guardian(s).

    On the 4th tardy and every tardy thereafter = Office Referral Form (ORF) by

    the teacher; lunch detention(s) or other appropriate consequences will be


    9. Inappropriate Behavior

    Excessive running in the halls, yelling, cutting in lunch line, and any other behavior not

    conducive to an orderly school environment will not be tolerated. Consequences may

    include but are not limited to:

    a. Warning.

    b. Office referral.

    c. School service learning.

    d. Parent notification

    e. Detention.

    10. Substitute Teacher Referral

    Substitute teachers are guests in our building and will be treated with extra courtesy.

    Treating a substitute teacher with disrespect is never allowed. Consequences may

    include but are not limited to:

    a. Office referral.

    b. School service learning.

    c. Student and parent/guardian conference with administration.

    d. Detention and/or suspension.

    11. Throwing Objects

    Throwing objects, including snowballs, is dangerous and unacceptable behavior on

    school grounds. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. School service learning.

    b. Parent notification.

    c. Detention and/or suspension.

    12. Items Not Acceptable at School or in the Classroom

    Do not bring unnecessary electronics and other expensive/valuable items to school.

    North Cache is not responsible for items lost, broken, or stolen at school. Any item

    that is distracting to the learning environment may be considered a “nuisance item”:

    a. Clothing advertising drugs, alcohol, gang association, gives the appearance of

    gang associations, or which display inappropriate language or designs. (Please

    refer to “Dress Code”).

    b. Hats, bandannas, or blankets. (Please refer to “Dress Code”).

    c. Revealing or distracting clothing. (Please refer to “Dress Code”).

    d. Food and drink are not allowed in the main building.

    e. Skateboards, longboards, rollerblades, shoes with wheels, any real or fake weapons

    such as guns and knives, etc.

    f. Weapons, chains (including wallet chains), explosives, flammable materials,

    lighters, or other materials dangerous to persons or property. (UCA 53A-3-502)

    Items may be confiscated. Building administrators may return items after contact with

    a parent/guardian.

    13. Violation of the Law

    Examples may include stealing, selling and/or use of drugs, extortion, etc.

    Conduct which is a violation of the law of the school grounds is a violation

    of the law on the school grounds. Consequences may include but are not

    limited to:

    a. Referral to the proper law enforcement agency.

    b. Parent conference.

    c. Detention and/or suspension up to 10 days.

    d. The student may be expelled if the CCSD Board of Education deems it necessary.

    14. Vandalism / Damaging School Property

    Damage or destruction of school property such as books, materials, or building.

    Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Parent/guardian contacted.

    b. Payment of damages.

    c. School service learning.

    c. Detention and/or suspension.

    d. Referral to school resource officer.

    15. Use or Possession of Contraband

    Students are forbidden to use or bring to school (or school activities) illegal drugs,

    alcohol or tobacco, lighters, vaping paraphernalia, knives, weapons, or other

    contraband that is dangerous or disruptive. Consequences may include but are not

    limited to:

    a. Student/Parent conference.

    b. In school suspension/detention.

    c. School suspension (not to exceed 10 days).

    d. Referral to school resource officer.

    e. Expulsion by CCSD Board of Education.

    16. Alcohol & Tobacco Policy

    Alcohol and tobacco are not allowed on school property or at school functions by

    students, staff, or visitors. Alcohol and tobacco advertising on shirts, caps, notebooks,

    etc. is not allowed on school grounds or at school functions. Consequences may

    include but are not limited to:

    a. Parent conference.

    b. Required to change or cover clothing.

    c. Detention and/or suspension up to 10 days for possession.

    d. Referral to the school resource officer.

    17. Bullying, Fighting, Threatening Behavior

    Richmond City Ordinance 2002-1 states: “It is a class C misdemeanor for any person

    to threaten physical force against another person or to challenge, invite or engage in a

    fight.” CCSD policy states, “No school employee or student may engage in bullying

    (hazing) or cyber-bullying a school employee or student.” A student who provokes

    others to fight shall have their parent(s) notified and administrative intervention as

    needed. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Suspension or removal from a school-sponsored team or activity including school

    sponsored transportation.

    b. Detention and/or suspension.

    c. Other action as determined appropriate by administration.

    d. Referral to school resource officer.

    18. Truancy-Sluffing

    Failure to attend school all or part of the day without a parent or legal excuse (illness,

    doctor’s appointment, funeral in the immediate family). If a student leaves campus they

    become the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Consequences may include but are

    not limited to:

    a. Zeroes may be recorded for missed work and students may not be permitted to

    make up work for truancy.

    b. A “U” citizenship grade may be given for that trimester.

    c. Parent notification.

    d. Detention and/or school service learning

    e. Possible loss of credit for excessive truancy.

    f. Repeated offenses may be dealt with according to the Richmond City Truancy

    Ordinance 99-4, district policy, and/or state law.

    19. Sexual Harassment

    Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or

    other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by another person.

    The Cache County School District views sexual harassment as an illegal form of

    discrimination. If you believe you are being sexually harassed, your best recourse may

    be first to tell the person involved that you are uncomfortable with the behavior, you do

    not like it, and that you want it stopped. You also have the right to take the problem

    directly to the school or district authorities. Anyone who is a victim of, or a witness to

    sexual harassment taking place, has the right to file a complaint with the Title IX

    Director at the district office. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Conference with administration.

    b. Parent/guardian contact.

    c. Investigation may lead to possible detention and/or suspension.

    d. Investigation by the school resource officer may lead to criminal charges.

    20. Gang Paraphernalia

    Gang identification or grouping of any kind is not allowed at the school. Anything

    deemed by school officials as identifiable gang material(s) will be taken and not

    returned. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Confiscation of material(s) deemed reasonably suspicious.

    b. Office referral.

    c. Referral to the school resource officer.

    21. Safe Schools Violation

    Safe school violations include weapons, acts of violence, or other harmful or

    potentially harmful items. Consequences may include but are not limited to:

    a. Suspension and possible expulsion. (Section 9, Student Personnel Policy, CCSD

    Board policy).

    b. Referral to the school resource officer.