Cellular devices have become an important communication tool in our society. The Cache County School Board recognizes the value of these devices but also understands if used inappropriately, they can disrupt the learning environment. As such, the school board seeks to adopt a policy of acceptable use of cellular devices at school while also creating reasonable expectations for limits. Use of a cellular device falls under the following guidelines:
1. Cellular devices must be on silent while on campus and remain on silent throughout the school day.
2. Cell phones are to be put away during class time unless authorized by a teacher. Teachers have the authority to allow or ban cellular device use during their respective class times. Students should never be disadvantaged or penalized in classroom settings for not having access to a cell phone.
3. Considerable leniency for cellular device use will be allowed in emergency situations. However, cellular device use should not interfere with the students' ability to follow directions or adhere to safety advisement from school personnel.
4. Wearable cellular devices may be worn as long as they do not create a distraction or a disruption during school hours.
5. Cellular cameras and audio recorders may only be used for specific educational benefits and only with prior permission of the teacher or administrator.
6. Students who choose to bring cellular devices to school do so at their own risk. The school district assumes NO LIABILITY for lost, stolen, or damaged devices.Disciplinary Measures Failure to adhere to the guidelines above may result in disciplinary measures such as:
1. Verbal warning. Student may be asked to turn off their device in the presence of the teacher and may be allowed to put it away.
2. Device may be taken away until the end of the day (to be picked up by student). Offense may be logged in PowerSchool.
3. Device may be taken away from the student and must be picked up by the student’s parents during school hours or after school, after consultation with a school administrator. Offense may be logged in PowerSchool.
4. Student may lose the privilege to use device on district property. Offense may be logged in PowerSchool.Use of Cellular Devices on Buses or During School Activities
1. Cellular device usage by students while riding to and from school on the bus, or on the bus during school-sponsored activities is at the discretion of the bus driver and/or the student advisor/supervisor.
2. Distracting behavior which creates an unsafe environment will not be tolerated.
3. Cellular cameras and audio recorders may not be used on the bus.
4. The District Appropriate Use Policy applies to use on buses or during school activities.Privacy in Bathrooms, Locker Rooms and/or Dressing Areas
1. Individuals who use school district bathrooms, locker rooms and/or dressing areas have a right to a safe environment, which includes a reasonable assurance that the District will not tolerate the use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms.to record or transfer images or recordings from these areas. In order to ensure that the privacy of all individuals is protected, the District has adopted these regulations to ensure that this right of privacy is not violated.
2. When the District has reason to believe that any person has violated this prohibition regarding the transmission of pictures of persons from the bathroom, locker room and/or dressing area, or has, in any other way, violated the right of privacy within these areas, the building principal shall contact local law enforcement representatives and make the appropriate reports.
3. Any person violating this policy may be subject to prosecution and face suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.
4. School officials have the right to confiscate any cellular or recording device if there is a reasonable suspicion that the cellular or recording device has been used in violation of this policy. School administrators may search the contents of that device to ensure that images have not been taken or transmitted from within the locker room and/or dressing area