CTE Internships


    CTE Internships:

    CTE Internships provide on the job training opportunities that are directly related to a career goal and course of study identified through the College and Career Ready Plan. Therefore, a student must have taken or currently be enrolled in a CTE class related to the internship opportunity. This Work-Based Learning experience is designed to bridge the gap between school and work. Appropriate supervision by a school/district coordinator must be maintained.


    CTE Internships coordinators:

    Sky View High School: Kaye Dawn Falselv (kayedawn.falslev@ccsdut.org)

    Green Canyon High School: Tracey Jenson (tracey.jenson@ccsdut.org) 

    Mountain Crest High School: Angie Meacham (angie.meacham@csdut.org)

    Ridgeline High School: Joseph Johnson (joseph.johnson@ccsdut.org)