FLEX Information

    What is FLEX?
    • Flex hour at RHS is held Monday - Thursday between first and second hours on the bell schedule (9:05-9:55 am).
    • Students can use Flex hour to get help from any of their teachers.
    • Each student is assigned a flex “homeroom” where attendance is taken each day. They will receive a Pass/Fail grade based on their attendance. 


    When students want to visit any of their teachers to get extra help, they can sign up for a Flex pass. Passes are available up to one week in advance.
    Filling out this pass tells both teachers where the student will be and they don’t get marked absent.

    There are TWO ways to get a FLEX pass for another teacher
    1. Students can ask one of their teachers to sign them up.  Teachers all have access to the pass and can add a student's name to the list.
    2. Students can also sign up quickly and easily using a smartphone. There are QR codes available in many of the teacher’s classrooms. There is also one in the hall outside the Flex office in room 100. They look like this:

    The QR code takes you to this link:       https://forms.gle/pw7Vbf9WLCQ8SMQv5

    Scanning this code or entering the link above will provide a link to the 

    Ridgeline Flex Pass Request Form.


    Remember, students can only sign up for a teacher they currently have on their schedule.


    Simply fill it out and click submit. This will let the school know where your student is during the flex hour.  


    Contact the FLEX Secretary at natalie.guerra@ccsdut.org
    Phone: 435-792-7788 Room Number: 100