• Scholarships are primarily based on merit - They can be very competitive

    Scholarships are primarily awarded based on achievement such as: Good Grades, Sports, or Community Involvment

    There are also scholarships based on ethnicity or cultural background an attempt to help level the playing field

    Apply for as many scholarships as you can. The more you apply for the greater chance you will get assistance in furthering your education.

    Use Social Media as an asset. Many organizations review finalists social media accounts, so you want to be sure to put your best foot forward. Remember, you are trying to get some organization to invest in you and your future. You need to promote yourself accordingly.

    Answer all questions whether they are mandatory or optional. Answering the optional questions will improve your chances at being awarded the scholarship.

    Many organizatons are moving to Zoom meetings for interviews. Make sure that you are prepared for such meetings. Make sure the lens on you camera is clean and make sure your background is appropriate for a Zoom meeting.

    Be aware of scams. Ligitimate organizations will never ask for money. Don't pay for scholarshp searchs. Most are free if they are ligitimate.