• Governing Youth Council

    Mission Statement: The Governing Youth Council strives to unite the youth of today; generate awareness concerning alcohol, tobacco, violence, and safety; and challenges the community to live healthier lifestyles.

    Dangers of tobacco, alcohol and drug use:  The addictive nature of these substances are highlighted showing that teens are at a greater risk of dependency the younger they begin using.

    Safe driving practices:  Students are encouraged to use their seatbelts through positive incentives, demonstrations and displays.  Driving safe by not being distracted, staying alert and driving defensively are highlighted throughout the school year. 

    Alexia Lott

    Alexis Corona

    Brett Bishop

    Carlee Grunig

    Conner Haroldsen

    Daivanie Burbank

    Dee Bishop

    DJ Grunig

    Elysa Davis

    Elyse Weston

    Finn Lund

    Jack Bohman

    Jaden Weston

    Jaren Delgado

    Jay Legler

    Jeric Anderson

    Kyra Lopez

    Matthew Olsen

    Nadie Godfrey

    Nathan Hayward

    Ruth Olsen

    Scott Gerber

    Tyler Etherington

    Will Lund

    Advisor:  Janine Justis