Mission Statement

  • Mission Statement

    Sky View High School is committed to achieving excellence in Relationships, Character, & Knowledge for Life . . .

    Students will value and respect others, communicate and collaborate effectively, and be active participants in school and associated activities. 
    Measurable Indicators:  Extra-curricular participation, Indicators of School Quality

    Students will demonstrate integrity, be self-motivated, and accept responsibility for their actions.
    Measureable Indicators: Attendance & Grades

    Students will demonstrate basic competence in reading, writing, and computing to function effectively in society. Students will also demonstrate the ability to acquire new knowledge, solve complex problems, and think critically. 
    Measurable Indicators:  Aspire +, CTE, ACT, Formative Assessments

    Students will demonstrate a commitment to pursue a career, post-secondary education or technical training and to participate in society as productive citizens.
    Measurable Indicators: Post-secondary enrollment, CTE Certification, Senior Exit Survey