What is the School Community Council?
The School Community Council consists of teachers, counselors, and parents. Their first responsibility is for the School Lands Trust Budget and everything associated with Trustlands. The funding dollar amount for the 2023-24 school year is $163,920.61. Members are involved in the planning, reporting, and formation of the annual School Improvement Plan. They are the ears and eyes of the community and are able to bring issues of importance to the council and can also impact the formation of school policies and procedures. They are also responsible for the Professional Development Plan, Child Access Routing Plan, review of School Health Plans, and recommendations regarding school/school district programs and the community environment. Meetings are held on the 1st or 2nd Wednesday of each month. Council members are nominated during registration days and must be elected by a vote of their peers.
Parents are welcome to serve on the School Community Council. Nominations to serve and elections are held annually in the fall at North Cache Middle School. Parents will be notified via the school's alert system. Please contact the school administration or the School Community Council chairperson if you are interested in serving on the council.