Feeling Sick?
  • When is it best to have your student stay home


    STAY HOME IF: Your child has a temperature above 100.5 degrees or higher.

    RETURN WHEN: Your child is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication


    STAY HOME IF: Your child has vomited within the past 24 hours

    RETURN WHEN: Your child has not vomited for at least 24 hours.


    STAY HOME IF: Your child has had diarrhea within the past 24 hours.

    RETURN WHEN: Your child has not had diarrhea for at least 24 hours.


    STAY HOME IF: Your child has a body rash with fever, discharge, and/or itching.

    RETURN WHEN: Your child has been free from itching and fever for at least 24 hours and has received a doctor evaluation, if needed. 


    STAY HOME IF: Your child has redness, itching, and/or "crusty" drainage from their eye or eyes.

    RETURN WHEN: Your child may returen 24 hours after medical treatment has been started. 

    There may be other signs, symptoms,or health conditions which may require your child to stay home until they feel better. Thank you for helping us keep our schools germ free and our students healthy.


    Feeling Sick?