What is the School Community Council?
Each public school, in accordance with Utah State Legislature, is required to establish a School Community Council (SCC). Some of the duties of the SCC are to develop a School Improvement Plan, assign School Land Trust funds, develop a Child Access Routing Plan, develop a reading achievement and intervention program, and create sub-committees and task forces, as needed.
Parents are welcome to serve on the School Community Council. Utah State Law requires all schools to hold an election every year to replace members on the School Community Council. A member of the council serves a two-year term and may serve more consecutive terms if they are elected. SCC members are elected each fall for the following school year. We will hold our elections during our fall Parent-Teacher Conferences. Members include a combination of school employees, the principal, and parents or guardians of students attending the school. Our SCC is currently made up of five parents, two teachers, and the school principal. If you are interested in serving on the council, please contact the principal or SCC chair (contact information below).
Meetings are held the Second Monday of each month at 3:45 p.m. in the Principal's office. If necessary this will be held in the library. Everyone is welcome to attend however, only SCC members have voting authority.
Meeting agendas and minutes will be posted on the school website and the bulletin board outside the principal's office. The SCC accepts written concerns, comments, and items for discussion one week in advance of scheduled meetings. Give written concerns to the office or email any council member.
2023-24 School Community Council Members
Cindy KingPrincipalcindy.king@ccsdut.orgJessica Von Der LiethTeacherjessica.vonderlieth@ccsdut.orgKathy DownsTeacherkathy.downs@ccsdut.orgSamantha RasmussenParentsprasmussen@gmail.comAmie EarlParent/Chairamie.masterconnector@gmail.comSara SchmalzParentsarawilkey@gmail.comSarah HancockParentsarahwesthancock@gmail.comMissy IbuyanParentcoach_b2@yahoo.comKristen RolfParentk_rolf@hotmail.comJef NielsenSchool Boardjeffrey.nielsen@ccsdut.org