• Mrs. Allison Tucker       

    Mrs. Allison Tucker (atucker@hcboe.us)     Mrs. Sherron Bristow (sbristow@hcboe.us)

    Guidance Counselor Grades 9 & 12            Guidance Counselor Grades 10 & 11

  • School Counseling Mission:

    The school counseling program at Rehobeth High School provides equitable access to a data-driven, developmentally appropriate, and culturally sensitive comprehensive school counseling program and inspires all students to maximize their unique potential. The school counseling program is dedicated to recognizing each student as a unique individual and preparing every student socially, academically, and emotionally for present and future challenges. We advocate for every student and work in collaborative partnerships to empower students to become lifelong learners who are responsible, productive citizens.

    Rehobeth High School has 2 full-time counselors who divide their duties to assist high school students.

    All counselors work with students on issues affecting their academic performance and on issues of personal and social development. The counselors are available to parents for consultation and parents are encouraged to contact any counselor with questions regarding counseling services. Rehobeth’s school counselors provide students with counseling in three domains: academic, personal/social, career planning.