- Madisonville North Hopkins High School
- N.O.R.T.H.
NORTH - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
School Wide Expectations Matrix
N.O.R.T.H. is a way to reward students and teachers to showing respect, helping people out, and/or planning goal to be the best that they can be. These expectations can be displayed in the hall, lunchroom, and also in the classroom.N - North Students Demonstrate
O - Ownership
R - Respect
T - Tolerance
H- High Expectations
Location of Staff Tickets
The Maroon tickes for students to give to staff are located...
- Outside the Lunchroom
- Outside the Library
- Outside Mr.Campbell's room
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a proactive and interactive approach to establish a social culture in a
school that supports social, emotional, and academic success. It uses data-based
decision making to align curriculum and behavioral supports for students and staff.
It is aimed at supporting safe and effective school environments while preventing
behavior problems with students.
Where Did it Come From?
The origin of PBIS is Eugene. Oregon. In 1994 Rob Horner, George Sugai,
and Anne Todd, professors at the University of Oregon, focused on research to
guide effective practices for behavior management. Their original focus was Fern
Ridge Middle School in Eugene that had a student population of 880 with 5,100
office referrals in one year. This began the National Center for PBIS which uses
this research based system. It has grown and now includes four countries, over
forty states, and at least 10,000 schools.
How Does it Work?
PBIS is a three-tiered systems approach for establishing a positive learning
culture and individualized behavior supports needed for schools to be effective
learning environments for all students. The behavior expectations are taught,
modeled, acknowledged, monitored, and then retaught as necessary. The goal is to
provide practice and reinforcement at the Universal level for ALL students so that
fewer students need intervention at the Tier 2 level where a more individualized
plan with intensive individual interventions is used. A continuous analysis of data,
the systems, and the outcomes guides all decision making.
What are the Benefits?
Data shows that schools implementing PBIS with fidelity see an increase in
attendance, a more positive and calm environment, reduced behavioral disruptions,
increased academic time & student achievement.