Advisory Council



     The FRYSC program is built upon the foundation of collaboration.  A guiding principle in the development of the program was that the FRYSC program would have a community focus – we were intended to collaborate with other entities in order to more effectively serve the needs of our students and families.  Centers are to connect students and families with the resources they need to be successful. 

         In Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, the local Advisory Council is the key to assuring that collaborative community input and involvement occurs in the planning, implementation and oversight of the Center’s activities. This is how Advisory Councils help the Center accomplish its Mission:  The Council…


    • Provides a broad base of support
    • Establishes two-way communication between the Coordinator and the community
    • Establishes rapport in the community for the Coordinator
    • Enables the Coordinator to evaluate ongoing programs
    • Makes the program “community –centered” rather than coordinator-centered, or school-centered
    • Aids in planning and filling programs
    • Keeps groups and clubs informed
    • Uncovers potential problems within the community
    • Unites the community behind a project
    • Stimulates organizations to serve people more efficiently