Conditions for Enrollment

  • To remain enrolled as a student in good standing you must meet the following expectations and conditions.  These policies and procedures are designed to ensure a successful educational experience and maintain a positive learning environment for all students.  By signing this form, the student agrees to abide by all conditions and expectations indicated.  Any violation of this agreement by the student will result in that student appearing before a review board to show cause why the student should retain enrollment privileges.

    • The student must be enrolled at HCSA and is expected to earn credit in each class in which he/she is enrolled.  Students are expected to attend school every day to ensure their chances of academic success.
    • The student will not visit or go to school facilities other than HCSA between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., unless on official school business and with express permission of that school building principal and the director of HCSA.
    • The student will not interfere with the learning process of other students through any disrespectful behavior such as theft of personal or school property, destruction/abuse of personal or school property, threatening other people, excessive tardiness, or interfering with HCSA’s ability to provide a positive learning experience for other students.
    • The student shall treat all HCSA members, student and staff both, with respect and dignity at all times.
    • Students who violate any of the previous four policies may request an appeal for continued enrollment in HCSA.
    • Possession of, use of, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol of any kind, other than those legally prescribed by a physician for medical treatment, on or within two thousand feet of any school property, at any time, will be cause for immediate removal from the program.  Any student in the company of a person, or persons, who violate this rule, will be considered equally in violation of this policy.
    • Fighting on or within two thousand feet of school property will be cause for immediate removal from the program.  Students encouraging or inciting others to fight will be considered equally in violation of this policy.