
  • The library at Pride is an exciting and fun place to visit! 

    Classes visit the library for story times, check out,  and to learn information skills. There are many great books for pleasure reading and research in our library!



    PLEASE NOTE: You may get an error message when trying to login to our OPAC. If so, click on "Details" and then Choose "Go on to the Website". From here, choose Pride Elementary School.

    Click the picture below to visit our eBooks library!

    Capstone eBooks Library

    Username: prideave

    Password: school

    Visit Falcon Tales! Our YouTube Channel features picture book read alouds from Mrs. Cotton and friends!


    Meet Your Librarian

    Hello! My name is Kellie Cotton and I have been the Library Media Specialist at Pride Elementary since the 1995-1996 school year, which was my first year teaching! I earned a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Library Science at Murray State University and hold library/media certification in grades K-12.  I have completed the 5th year Master's level program at Murray State University as well. I am a member of two Kentucky Library associations,  KLA and KSMA.

    I have been married to my husband Mark since 1987. We have a cat named Simba and  a dog named Mya. My hobbies include  painting, quilting and reading! I love all things Disney, Star Wars and am a big Marvel fan too!

    My favorite books as a child were Pablo the Penguin Who Hated the Cold by Barbara Brenner and  A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle. In more recent children's literature, I loved reading the Harry Potter series, am a fan of Kate DiCamillo,  and get a big kick out of Mo Willems and his kooky Pigeon books.

    I strive to instill a love of reading in our students and to encourage them to read for pleasure as well as for information. Pride Elementary students are enthusiastic, intelligent, and loads of fun. I am thankful to be a part of the Pride family!