- Hartselle City Schools
- Board Members
Hartselle Board of Education
The Hartselle City Board of Education is composed of five (5) members who are elected in accordance with state law. Board members must be residents of the City of Hartselle and serve a four-year term.
The Hartselle City Board of Education is established under the authority of state law for the purpose of exercising general supervision and administration of schools serving school-age children, and of promoting the interests of the Hartselle City Schools and the children they serve. The primary responsibility of the Board is to establish, review, and revise policy for the Hartselle City Schools rather than to exercise day-to-day administrative functions.
Board authority will only be exercised collectively. Individual Board members have no authority to bind the Board or to act on behalf of the Board except when authorized to do so by official action of the Board.
The Board holds regular and specially called meetings as dictated by the needs of the school system. All meetings of the Board are open to the public except as may otherwise be required or permitted by law. A list of board meeting dates and locations are listed on the website.
In order for the public to address a specific matter to the Board, a written request must be submitted to the Superintendent’s office, five (5) days prior to the scheduled Board meeting in order to be included on the agenda.
On the left side of this page, you will find biographies and contact information for our Board of Education Members.