

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Casey Day

Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Casey Day- Mrs.Day. I have been in education for 14 years, and this is my third year in public school. I received my bachelor's degree from Lamar University in 2021. I have two beautiful daughters, one is 7 and the other is 2. I have been married for 15 years in November. My Birthday is October 19th, and my favorite color is blue.I love to read. I love all animals, my favorite animal is a turtle. I am a nature bug in general.  I have a few favorite quotes:

 “ Every student deserves a champion.” -Rita Pearson. 

“ It is ok Not to know, but it is Not ok not to try” - unknown 

“ We CAN do hard things”- unknown

More things to know about me:

*****I am HIGHLY allergic to Cinnamon. So please do not send ANYTHING to school containing cinnamon. Please also do not send any peanut products due to student allergies. As of a reminder any snacks sent to school MUST be individually wrapped and store bought. 

Let's talk about class:

I have high expectations for my students, when you expect great things you achive great things. I want this to be a fun welcoming environment for all. For that to happen your student will need to know a few expectations.

  1. You will always be kind. ( kind hands, kind words, and kind feet)
  2. You will raise your hand.
  3. You will do your best, ( It is ok not to know but it is not ok not to try)
  4. You will do your homework. ( as apllied )
  5. You will keep your desk, cubby, agenda and binder tidy.
  6. You will read every chance you get. 
  7. You will do multiplication everyday. ( Practice, Practice, Practice)
  8. You will succeed. 
  9. You will work hard. 
  10. You are loved and will do amazing things. 

Please go over these expectations with your student. 

Contact information:

  • My conference time is 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM
  • Parents you may contact me M-F 7:45 AM until 5 PM. 
  • If the message is received after office hours I will get back to you the next business day! 
  • There will be No contact from Friday at 5pm till Monday at 7:45 AM.
  • There will be exceptions for Emergency situations. 
  • PLEASE join the remind community for our classroom. 
  • Email: -
  • Room # 401

Thank you for sharing your child with me. I am looking forward to a wonderful year.

Mrs. Day