What M.A.C.K. Funds

  • STEAM Initiatives (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics programs)

    IXL Software

    Accelerated Reader (A.R.) Software

    Support for bus transportation for field trips

    After School Clubs and Programs

    Chromebooks and Chromecart

    Core Plus 

    Classroom technology (ELMOs and LCD projectors)

    CARE Counselor salary

    Toshiba Photo Copy Machine

    RISO Copy Machine

    Musice Enrichment Program/Music Teacher Funding

    Orchestra Equipment

    Teacher grants: $25 per student per classroom teacher; additional grants for RSP, Speech, P.E. and Orchestra teachers

    Cargo bin for P.E. equipment storage

    Lego Robotics Kits

    Kiln and clay supplies

    Supplies for Art Program

    Library books & furniture

    Reading benches

    Hosting of the School Website

    Science Lab Supplies

    Teacher training and development

    Alumni scholarship program

    Office supplies

    Plaque for Gold Ribbon Award