e-Scrip Fundraiser

  • e-Script


    e-Scrip Fundraiser
    We need 100% Participation from every family...

    eScrip .pdf info pack


    e-scripPlease sign up with escrip.com and you could help earn up to $150 annually for the CV Lady Falcon Basketball program!   There is NO COST to you!
    It's Quick and Easy to Sign up!
    • Click on "sign-up"
    • Follow the instructions to register your grocery cards and debit/credit cards.
    • CV Lady Falcon Basketball Boosters is group #150239588
    • If you are already enrolled in eScrip and support another organization, you can modify your existing account so your donations are split between the CV Lady Falcon Basketball Boosters and the other group you are already supporting.
    You must Renew your eScrip registration every year.  So, if you registered last year and think you're already included in the fundraiser, you're NOT, unless you revisit www.escrip.com to renew your registration!


    It's Easy, it's FREE, it's Powerful!
    • Please enroll your Grocery Card (Von's, etc.) and ALSO the Credit or Debit cards that you use most.  
    • Enrolling your credit/debit cards is IMPORTANT because when you use them to pay at participating restaurants and stores, you also generate earnings for the CV Lady Falcon Basketball Boosters program!
    • To find participating restaurants in the eScrip program, go to http://escrip.rewardsnetwork.com/ and search.  Did you know Magpie's Grill in LaCanada and Frank's Famous Kitchen in Montrose are both part of the eScrip program?  So are hundreds more places in Pasadena, Glendale and Burbank.  Just eat there and use your registered Debit or Credit card to pay and our program will receive a portion of the total!

    It's the Easiest Fundraiser we have!

    You can also shop at hundreds of online stores also, by visiting the eScrip online Mall.   Do all your Holiday shopping online and our program will automatically reap the benefits!


    If you would rather not sign up online, please print out this paper sign-up form, fill it out, and mail it to the address listed on the form:  paper e-scrip sign-up form


    Participating Merchants