Homework: English 9 (Period 1)
Week of 09/25 - 09/29
- 20 completed and passed readtheory.org assessments (when filtering dates, click on 'date' --> select 'custom range' --> filter date: begin date = 09/01/23 & end date = 09/30/23 --> select 'apply') = Sat., 09/30 at 8:59 p.m. PST
- Vocabulary:- Ch. 6 vocab. workbook (WB) work = Wed., 09/27 (8:00am PST)
- Ch. 6 vocab. test = Fri., 09/29
- The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian:
- While reading:
- While reading each chapter (expected):
- In your class notebook, take notes on quotations that demonstrate the usage of literary terms and themes within each chapter = Thurs., 10/05
- Complete the reading guide discussion questions using blue ink = Thurs., 10/05 (8:00am PST)
- Chapter nine: "Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice" (pp. 67-73 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter ten: "Tears of a Clown" (pp. 74-76 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter eleven: "Halloween" (pp. 77-81 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter twelve: "Slouching Toward Thanksgiving" (pp. 82-98 in text, questions #1-6 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter thirteen: "My Sister Sends Me an E-mail" (pp. 99-100 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter fourteen: "Thanksgiving" (pp. 101-103 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter fifteen: "Hunger Pains" (pp. 104-113 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter sixteen: "Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love" (pp. 114-117 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter seventeen: "Dance, Dance, Dance" (pp. 118-129 in text, questions #1-4 in reading guide) = Fri., 09/29
- Chapter eighteen: "Don't Trust Your Computer" (pp. 130-132 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Fri., 09/29
- Chapter nineteen: "My Sister Sends Me a Letter" (pp. 133-134 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Fri., 09/29
- Chapter twenty: "Reindeer Games" (pp. 135-149 in text, questions #1-5 in reading guide) = Fri., 09/29
- Chapter twenty-one: "And a Partridge in a Pear Tree" (pp. 150-151 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Fri., 09/29
- Chapter twenty-two: "Red Versus White" (pp. 152-158 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Tues., 10/03
- Chapter twenty-three: "Wake" (pp. 159-168 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Tues., 10/03
- Chapter twenty-four: "Valentine Heart" (pp. 169-178 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Tues., 10/03
- Chapter twenty-five: "In Like a Lion" (pp. 179-196 in text, questions #1-6 in reading guide) = Tues., 10/03
- Chapter twenty-six: "Rowdy and I Have a Long and Serious Discussion about Basketball" (pp. 197-198 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Tues., 10/03
- Chapter twenty-seven: "Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses" (pp. 199-213 in text, questions #1-4 in reading guide) = Thurs., 10/05
- Chapter twenty-eight: "My Final Freshman Year Report Card" (p. 214 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Thurs., 10/05
- Chapter twenty-nine: "Remembering" (pp. 215-218 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Thurs., 10/05
- Chapter thirty: "Talking About Turtles" (pp. 219-230 in text, questions #1-4 in reading guide) = Thurs., 10/05
- While reading each chapter (optional):
- In your class notebook, write down vocabulary words from each chapter that you do not understand and define each of those words (as needed)
- Reference the descriptions of the characters found on the character list (as needed) --> found on Google Classroom
- Reference the definitions of literary terms (as needed) --> found in Ms. Ohanian's English Resource Guide on Google Classroom
- While reading each chapter (expected):
Week of 09/18 - 09/22
- 20 completed and passed readtheory.org assessments (when filtering dates, click on 'date' --> select 'custom range' --> filter date: begin date = 09/01/23 & end date = 09/30/23 --> select 'apply') = Sat., 09/30 at 8:59 p.m. PST
- Vocabulary:- Ch. 5 vocab. workbook (WB) work = Wed., 09/20 (8:00am PST)
- Ch. 5 vocab. test = Thurs., 09/21
- SpringBoard:
- Read text: “Always Running” (pp. 35-36) = Tues., 09/19
- Annotate memoir = Tues., 09/19
- Complete T-chart w/ colored pens (inside your SpringBoard textbook) = Tues., 09/19
- Per JSWP, Concrete Details (CD) --> left column in red
- Per JSWP, Commentary (CM) --> right column in green
- Read text: “'Race' Politics” (pp. 37-38) = Thurs., 09/21
- Annotate text = Thurs., 09/21
- Please annotate and chunk the stanzas with the following line sequences:
- 1-5
- 6-14
- 15-17
- 18-25
- 26-34
- 35-38
- 39-42
- 43-48
- 49-61
- 62-65
- 66-72
- Complete T-chart w/ colored pens (inside your SpringBoard textbook) = Thurs., 09/21
- Per JSWP, Concrete Details (CD) --> left column in red
- Per JSWP, Commentary (CM) --> right column in green
- Answer questions on pp. 39-40 (#1-10) = Thurs., 09/21
- The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian:
- While reading:
- While reading each chapter (expected):
- In your class notebook, take notes on quotations that demonstrate the usage of literary terms and themes within each chapter
- Complete the reading guide discussion questions using blue ink:
- Chapter three: "Revenge Is My Middle Name" (pp. 15-24 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Tues., 09/19
- Chapter five: "Hope Against Hope" (pp. 32-43 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Tues., 09/19
- Chapter six: "Go Means Go" (pp. 44-47 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Tues., 09/19
- Chapter seven: "Rowdy Sings the Blues" (pp. 48-53 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Thurs., 09/21
- Chapter eight: "How to Fight Monsters" (pp. 54-66 in text, questions #1-7 in reading guide) = Thurs., 09/21
- Chapter nine: "Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice" (pp. 67-73 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter ten: "Tears of a Clown" (pp. 74-76 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter eleven: "Halloween" (pp. 77-81 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter twelve: "Slouching Toward Thanksgiving" (pp. 82-98 in text, questions #1-6 in reading guide) = Mon., 09/25
- Chapter thirteen: "My Sister Sends Me an E-mail" (pp. 99-100 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter fourteen: "Thanksgiving" (pp. 101-103 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter fifteen: "Hunger Pains" (pp. 104-113 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- Chapter sixteen: "Rowdy Gives Me Advice About Love" (pp. 114-117 in text, questions #1-2 in reading guide) = Wed., 09/27
- While reading each chapter (optional):
- In your class notebook, write down vocabulary words from each chapter that you do not understand and define each of those words (as needed)
- Reference the descriptions of the characters found on the character list (as needed) --> found on Google Classroom
- Reference the definitions of literary terms (as needed) --> found in Ms. Ohanian's English Resource Guide on Google Classroom
- While reading each chapter (expected):
Week of 09/11 - 09/15
- 20 completed and passed readtheory.org assessments (when filtering dates, click on 'date' --> select 'custom range' --> filter date: begin date = 09/01/23 & end date = 09/30/23 --> select 'apply') = Sat., 09/30 at 8:59 p.m. PST
- Vocabulary:- Ch. 4 vocab. workbook (WB) work = Wed., 09/13 (8:00am PST)
- Ch. 4 vocab. test = Fri., 09/15
- SpringBoard:
- Read text: “Always Running” (pp. 35-36) = Tues., 09/19
- Annotate memoir = Tues., 09/19
- Complete T-chart w/ colored pens (inside your SpringBoard textbook) = Tues., 09/19
- Per JSWP, Concrete Details (CD) --> left column in red
- Per JSWP, Commentary (CM) --> right column in green
- The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian:
- Review your notes:
- Background information / historical context
- Themes / motifs / symbols / characters
- While reading:
- While reading each chapter (expected):
- In your class notebook, take notes on quotations that demonstrate the usage of literary terms and themes within each chapter
- Complete the reading guide discussion questions using blue ink:
- Chapter One: "The Black-Eye-of-the-Month Club" (pp. 1-6 in text, questions #1-3) = Fri., 09/15
- Chapter Two: "Why Chicken Means So Much to Me" (pp. 7-14 in text, questions #1-5) = Fri., 09/15
- Chapter three: "Revenge Is My Middle Name" (pp. 15-24 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Tues., 09/19
- Chapter five: "Hope Against Hope" (pp. 32-43 in text, questions #1-3 in reading guide) = Tues., 09/19
- Chapter six: "Go Means Go" (pp. 44-47 in text, question #1 in reading guide) = Tues., 09/19
- While reading each chapter (optional):
- In your class notebook, write down vocabulary words from each chapter that you do not understand and define each of those words (as needed)
- Reference the descriptions of the characters found on the character list (as needed) --> found on Google Classroom
- Reference the definitions of literary terms (as needed) --> found in Ms. Ohanian's English Resource Guide on Google Classroom
- While reading each chapter (expected):
Week of 09/04 - 09/08
- 20 completed and passed readtheory.org assessments (when filtering dates, click on 'date' --> select 'custom range' --> filter date: begin date = 09/01/23 & end date = 09/30/23 --> select 'apply') = Sat., 09/30 at 8:59 p.m. PST
- Complete the SSR book log for the fall 2023 semester (on Google Classroom) = Fri., 09/08 by 3:00 p.m. PST
- Vocabulary:- Ch. 3 vocab. workbook (WB) work = Thurs., 09/07 (8:00am PST)
- Ch. 3 vocab. test = Thurs., 09/07
Week of 08/28 - 09/01
- Ch. 2 vocab. workbook (WB) work = Wed., 08/30 (8:00am PST)
- Ch. 2 vocab. test = Thurs., 08/31
- Completed T-Chart stapled on top of the annotated article titled, “Voting Rights Success? Not So Fast” = Thurs., 08/31
Week of 08/21 - 08/25
- Signed syllabus (hard copy + link on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Signed Academic Honesty Policy (hard copy + link on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Signed film form (hard copy + link on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Complete ReadTheory pretest (eight questions) = Wed., 08/23 (8:00am PST)
- Complete NoRedInk grammar diagnostic = Fri., 08/25 (8:00am PST)
- Add yourself to Google Classroom = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Complete writing diagnostic = Mon., 08/21 (11:59pm PST)
- Class code:
- Period 1 = ynutysy
- Create accounts for the following (class codes on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Turnitin.com
- ReadTheory.org
- Listenwise.com
- Noredink.com
- Ch. 1 vocab. workbook (WB) work = Wed. 08/23 (8:00am PST)
- Ch. 1 vocab. test = Fri. 08/25- Complete the T-Chart for the article titled, “Voting Rights Success? Not So Fast” = Tues., 08/29 (8:00am PST)
Week of 08/14 - 08/18
- Signed syllabus (hard copy + link on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Signed Academic Honesty Policy (hard copy + link on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Signed film form (hard copy + link on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Complete ReadTheory pretest (eight questions) = Wed., 08/23 (8:00am PST)
- Complete NoRedInk grammar diagnostic = Fri., 08/25 (8:00am PST)
- Add yourself to Google Classroom = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Class code:
- Period 1 = ynutysy
- Create accounts for the following (class codes on Google Classroom) = Mon., 08/21 (8:00am PST)
- Turnitin.com
- ReadTheory.org
- Listenwise.com
- Noredink.com