PTA Volunteer Opportunities
  • Available PTA Board Positions

    Full support from the Glendale Council, First District, and California State PTAs, as well as free training, are offered to everyone taking on a board position. Most current board members will also be available, in person or virtually, to help transition the new board, and assist as often as we can. This is a great opportunity to acquire new skills and help continue all the work the PTA does for our children.  For more information, and for more elected board opportunities, please click here.

    If you are interested in helping to keep the PTA or have any questions about the positions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Please note that any person can hold any position, but they can only do so for a maximum of 2 years.


    VP Programs
    • Helps to coordinate the planning and execution of PTA events
    • Usually oversee a committee of volunteer parents for each event
    • Works with the event chairperson to ensure that the event is planned and run following guidelines and stays on budget
    • Comes up with event ideas and makes proposals to the board and association for approval before event planning starts
    • After an event, the VP would sit down with the chairperson(s) and event volunteers to do an event review, to say what was successful and what they would do differently next time, as a reference for future event planning
    • Ensure all PTA and GUSD regulations for events are followed, including insurance and liability
    • The amount of time varies depending on what events the PTA decides to host for the year, the number of volunteers willing to help out, and the type of event(s) held.   
    VP Fundraising
    • Research prospective fundraising ideas and make a proposal to the board and association for approval
    • Oversee and coordinate fundraisers
    • Create flyers, posters, and other materials to advertise the fundraiser
    • Keep track of payments received and fill out a cash verification forms as needed
    • Fill out a post event review of fundraiser for what worked well and didn't, as a reference for future fundraisers
    • Help resolve issue with orders and answer questions regarding a fundraiser
    • The amount of time varies month to month, and with what type of fundraiser you host, as well as the number of volunteers you have helping, but you should expect to spend 10+ hours per fundraiser, but often the fall fundraiser is the only fundraising we do
    • The fall is when most fundraisers are held, since the money raised then helps to pay for events for the current year.  


    VP Room Representative

    • Collects parent volunteer forms at the beginning of the school year
    • Organizes the information collected on the parent volunteer forms  
    • Share information from the parent volunteer form with appropriate committees only
    • Connect with parents who have volunteered to be room parents 
      • Connect with them at the beginning of the school year to confirm they are the room parents, and explain what being a room parent means
      • Connect with them in mid November to remind them about coordinating with the classroom teacher to organize the winter class party, and go over basics of what to do, and assisting the if they need more information and/or help
      • Connect with them mid-May to remind them about coordinating with the classroom teacher to organize a year-end party for the class
      • Optional to send an email during teacher appreciation week, giving the classroom parent the option to organize parents to get a gift for the classroom teacher
Reasons why to volunteer with the PTA

How to Get Involved

  • School Volunteers and Visitors


    All school/parent volunteers MUST HAVE a TB clearance, prior to their first day of volunteer work. A TB test must be done every 4 years. Before volunteering, you must bring in proof of your TB test to the school office. Check with the school office for information regarding fingerprinting if that is necessary.  Proof of covid vaccinations may also be required, but please check with the school office to verify.

    All school/parent visitors must check in with the office, sign in, and show valid photo ID to receive a badge to enter campus. 

Volunteer affirmation words in heart shape
  • Ways to get involved:


    What does a chairperson do exactly?  The role depends on the individual, but generally speaking, you oversee other volunteers to ensure the planning, organization, procedures, and tasks are all completed, and completed on time, so there are no hiccups with hosting. You ensure the event is not listed on our insurance list as activites that are not allowed, and fill out a simple, contact Dr Bixler regarding setting the date, and fill out a simple, one-page facility use form. Some events can be run by a chair or co-chair on their own, while others have larger groups of volunteers.


    Do I need to be a chairperson or a co-chairperson to get involved?  Of course not!  We need volunteers who will happily help make an event happen but who are not necessarily the ones in charge.  We do need a chairperson for every event to make it happen, but volunteers are the magic behind the scene ensuring everything comes together.  For more events, there is work that can be done from home, and other tasks that require you to be on campus, but you can pick and choose tasks to fit your schedule. 


    Always remember, we view your family and work time as vital, and PTA never comes before either. You are a volutneer, and as such, you do the best you can, and that is all we, or anyone, can ask of you.



    Want to get involved, but don’t have a lot of time? These opportunities take minimal commitment.


    • Auditor (2 positions available): Audits the PTA books & financial records, twice a year, which takes up to an hour to complete each time. 

    • Yellow Ribbon Week Chairperson: Coordinated and oversees the PTA yellow ribbon week activities (January)

    • Red Ribbon Week Chairperson: Coordinated and oversees the PTA red ribbon week activities (November) 

    • Art/Reflections: Coordinates PTA Reflections contest (fall)

    • Hospitality: Coordinates events requiring refreshments, food, paper goods, certificates, or decoration (mainly PTA Association meetings, coffee mornings, and family donut and muffin mornings)

    • Parliamentarian: Attends all meetings to advise correct parliamentary procedures (training and reference card is provided)

    • Event Chair: Some events, such as family lunch days, Bingo night, or family sports night, take minimal work to organize and host.  If you are interested in chairing an event listed, or a similar one, please let us know!  

    • Join an event committee: Many hands make light work, and the more the merrier, so if you have time to spare, we would be thrilled to have you share you talents and skills (or learn some new ones), and help make the magic happen!  Pick any event(s) you would be interested in getting involved in, and we'll all work together to make amazing memories for all of the students.



    Have a bit more time, but don’t want to invest too much time, or make too big of a commitment?


    • Membership Chairperson: Coordinates and oversees the PTA membership drive (fall)

    • Spirit Wear Chairperson: Organize parent orders, coordinate delivery of items, and deal with our supplier. (Biggest order is at the beginning of the school year, but it is up to the chairperson to decide what they would like to offer the rest of the year, but the fall is the only essential order). 

    • Teacher Appreciation co-Chairperson: Coordinates and oversees the PTA teacher & staff appreciation week, working with both PTA and Foundation (spring)

    • Volunteer Coordinator Chairperson: Helps to recruit volunteers, as well as communicate volunteer opportunities to the LCES community

    • Assembly Chairperson: Researches and coordinates 1+ assemblies for the school.

    • Event Chair: Some events need a bit more work, but are still not a lot of work, such as family game night, arranging a speaker for a PTA meeting, a parent only night (eg.paint party) or trivia night.  If you are interested in chairing, or co-chairing one of these events, or a similar type of  one, please let us know!

    • Join an event committee: As a volunteer it is about how much time you are willing to spare, and some volunteers have more time than others, and any time you are able to spare is appreciated.  Again, you can be more involved without being a chairperson, as not everyone is comfortable with that role, and we totally understand that, and are happy for you to get involved in any way you feel comfortable with.


    Are you comfortable with taking on a larger role, and have more time to commit? Do you work well with others so you can help  make the magic happen?


    • Halloween/Harvest Festival Chairperson(s): Work with both PTA and Foundation to organize and oversee the annual Halloween/Harvest Festival (fall)

    • Corresponding Secretary:  Assists the PTA with our website and Facebook posts. Responsible for helping to create flyer for the posts, as well as for publishing posts. This is done completely from home, whenever you have time.

    • Event chair:  Some events need even a bit more work, or are well-suited to co-chairing, such as a school dance, or carnival.  If you are interested in chairing, or co-chairing one of these events, or a similar type of event, please let us know!

    • Join an event committee: Hey some people have more time than others, and want to get more involved, but still not be a chairperson, and  we are good with that too!   This can mean a larger role within a committee, or it can mean being on multiple committees, even at different times of the year. Each time you join a committee, you decide how much time you have to share, and what role you'd like to play, so never be afraid to join in on the fun, and making the fun happen for the students and families!