Board Members Needed
  • Elected Roles 
    Key Role - President  
    • Runs meetings and oversees all PTA activities
    • Signs contracts and authorized check signer
    • Attends council/district meetings
    • Meet and collaborate with the principal
    • Positive and enthusiastic about school
    Hours involved vary by how many school activities and meetingsm but an average would be around 15-20 hours a month, but some months may require more time. 
    Key Role – Treasurer 
    • Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions
    • Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association
    • Pays all PTA bills as authorized by board or association
    • Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report
    • Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due dates
    Hours spent varies depending on activities, anywhere from 2-4hrs per month. And more when preparing for audit and tax.
    Key Role - Recording Secretary 
    • Record the minutes for all association (4 a year) and board (monthly) meetings
    • Verify and sign paperwork when needed

    Hours spent each month are approximately 1.5-3 hours, including attending the PTA board and association meetings.


    Corresponding Secretary

    • Help create and/or post on our Facebook page
    • Help with our website
    • Help with our email account, which may include forwarding messages to other board members or committee chairs, and responding to LCES PTA emails

    Hours spent per month will vary, but you can be expect to spend approximately 5+ hours per month. All the required work can be done from home, working around your family and work schedule. 


    Vice Pesident, Programs

    • Helps to coordinate the planning and execution of PTA events
    • Works with the event chairperson to ensure that the event is planned and run following guidelines and stays on budget
    • Help come up with event ideas and help make proposals to the board and association for approval before event planning starts
    • After an event, you would sit down with the chairpersons and event volunteers to do an event review, to say what was successful and what they would do differently next time, as a reference for future event planning
    • Ensure all PTA and GUSD regulations for events are followed, including insurance and liability

    The amount of time varies depending on what events the PTA decides to host for the year, the number of volunteers willing to help out, and the type of event(s) held.  


     Vice President, Room Representative

    • Collect and organize the parent volunteer forms
    • Notify parent volunteers if they are selected as the Room Rep
    • Remind Rooom Parents when they are supposed to host events in the classroom
    • Create a database of volunteers and what they are volunteering to help with
    • Share relevant volunteer contact information with the chairperson(s) for events 

    The initial role of collecting and organizing the volunteer forms will vary by person, but would likely take 3 or 4 hours.  The reminder of the year is just sending out a group email reminders to Room Parents.


    Vice President, Fundraising  

    • Research prospective fundraising ideas and make a proposal to the board for approval
    • Oversee and coordinate fundraisers
    • Create flyers, posters, and other materials to advertise the fundraiser
    • Keep track of payments received and fill out a cash verification forms as needed
    • Fill out a post event review of fundraiser for what worked well and didn't, as a reference for future fundraisers
    • Help resolve issue with orders and answer questions regarding a fundraiser

    The amount of time varies month to month, and with what type of fundraiser you host, as well as the number of volunteers you have helping.  The fall is when most fundraisers are held, since the money raised then helps to pay for events for the current year.  You should expect to spend 10+ hours per fundraiser, but often the fall fundraiser is the only fundraising we do. 



    • Assembles and preserves a record of all PTA activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the association
    • Collect the records of volunteer hours, and calculate the total hours
    • Fill out and file Annual Unit Historian Report Forms by June 1 (it is an easy, 1 page form you fill out)
    • Remind volunteers to record their volunteer hours

    You could expect to spend up to 4 hours for the entire year on Historian volunteer work, mostly sending out email or text remindes to voluntees to record their hours.

LCES PTA Board Members needed for 2023-2024 school year

School Volunteer Word Cloud
  • Appointed Positions (means no need to elect the person, just whomever is willing to help)


    • Event chair (multiple options & opportunities): We need a chair for every event we host, so if there is an event you would like to see happen, please let us know, but even better yet, help us make it happen by helping to oversee the planning and organization of the event. Events in the past have included a school dance, family sports night, family lunch days, family muffin morning, family game night, Bingo night, trivia night, ect, but we are open to new ideas as well). The amount of work required varies by the event, as some require minimal work (eg. Family lunch days), while others take much more work (eg. Halloween Harvest Festival), but the more work it requires, the more volunteers you usually have to help make it happen.
    • Corresponding Secretary:  Assists the PTA with our website and Facebook posts. Responsible for helping to create flyer for the posts, as well as for publishing posts. This is done completely from home, whenever you have time.
    • Membership Chairperson: Coordinates and oversees the PTA membership drive (fall)
    • Spirit Wear Chairperson: Organize parent orders, coordinate delivery of items, and deal with our supplier. (Biggest order is at the beginning of the school year, but it is up to the chairperson to decide what they would like to offer the rest of the year, but the fall is the only essential order). 
    • Auditor (2 positions available): Audits the PTA books & financial records, twice a year, which takes up to an hour to complete each time. 
    • Parliamentarian: Attends all meetings to advise correct parliamentary procedures (training and information is provided)
    • Teacher Appreciation co-Chairperson: Coordinates and oversees the PTA teacher & staff appreciation week, working with both PTA and Foundation (spring)
    • Volunteer Coordinator Chairperson: Helps to recruit volunteers, as well as communicate volunteer opportunities to the LCES community
    • Assembly Chairperson: Researches and coordinates assemblies for the school
    • Hospitality: Hospitality: Coordinates events requiring refreshments, food, paper goods, certificates, or decoration (mainly PTA Association meetings, coffee mornings, and family donut and muffin mornings) 
    • Art/Reflections: Coordinates PTA Reflections contest (fall)
    • Yellow Ribbon Week Chairperson: Coordinated and oversees the PTA yellow ribbon week activities (January)
    • Red Ribbon Week Chairperson: Coordinated and oversees the PTA red ribbon week activities (November) 
    • Halloween/Harvest Festival Chairperson(s): Work with both PTA and Foundation to organize and oversee the annual Halloween/Harvest Festival (fall)
    • Assembly Chairperson: Researches and coordinates 1+ assemblies for the school.
  • To nominate yourself, or someone you think would do a wonderful job with any of these positions,  please fill out this online form, or email us at


    Please make sure you include the name and email address of the person you are nominating (even if it is yourself), as well as the position you are nominating them for.