- Glendale Unified School District - Glendale, California USA
- Flu Prevention
Staying Healthy
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Flu Prevention
While seasonal influenza (flu) viruses are detected year-round in the United States, flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons vary, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although significant activity can last as late as May.
Tips for Staying HealthyView in Armenian | Korean | Spanish
- Wash hands often using soap and hot water. If there is no soap and water available, hand sanitizer is a good second choice.
- Cover your cough. Cough or sneeze into your elbow if a tissue is not available.
- Avoid people who are sick and stay home when you are sick. Teachers, students, parents, and staff need to stay home until at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever or signs of a fever (chills, feeling very warm, flushed appearance, or sweating) without the use of fever-reducing medicine.
- Get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, and drink lots of water.
- Do not share drinks, food, or unwashed utensils.
- Disinfect surfaces that are prone to germs (e.g. phones, keyboards, door knobs, toothbrushes).
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Get the flu shot!
Steps to prevent the seasonal flu
Get Prepared for Flu Season
COVID-19 vs. Flu
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the flu virus and COVID-19 will spread this fall and winter.
Everything you need to know about the flu click here
How to Differentiate Between COVID-19 and Flu Symptoms