All basic supplies your child will need for school are provided by the school, but we are always grateful for donations, which make our limited budgets go much further!
A backpack that is large enough to hold a Thursday folder without having to fold it up is about the only thing you need to get.
Here are some things that I am always grateful for. Please note that this is a public school, so you are not required to buy any of these supplies for us. It is just nice if you are able to donate some for our classroom supplies. I'll post sometimes on Class Dojo if we're running low on something, but it's nice to have extras on hand.
Facial Tissue boxes. With the end of mandatory masking, I am sure we will once again have a lot more runny noses that need tissues.
Band Aids
Pink wedge erasers
Watercolor paint, tempera paint
colored pencils
Astrobrights colored paper, 65 lb weight. Any color or assortments. (This is the paper I use with the multiplication flash cards)
Crayola crayons.
People colors crayons and colored pencils
Black Dry Erase Markers Low odor
Mini Dry Erase Erasers
Glue Sticks
Laminating pouches 3 mil.