Dishwasher donation continues green evolution at Franklin Elementary!
Thank you to our parents, especially Michael Bridges, and our students for participating in our cafeteria dishwasher ribbon-cutting and sustainability celebration! Through our Green Team and Green Lunchroom initiatives, Franklin students are truly making a positive impact on our environment.
These tangible examples teach our children how their actions can create positive change. Our school was featured on NBC & ABC and in this Glendale News-Press article as a leader in both taking action as a school and being a model for sustainability. These efforts all began with our parents. Come join our amazing group of volunteers and be a part of the magic! Sign up here!
Through the food waste separation and new dishwasher installation, we have reduced the amount of trash going into landfills. During lunch alone, we have reduced the number of full garbage bags (that included food waste and disposable cafeteria trays, from 8-10 bags a day to 2-3 bags a day. Food waste is separated out and taken off site for composting. What a difference our students are making!
Additionally, parents, you are making a huge impact by sending zero-waste snacks and lunches to school with your child. Students are sharing their stories about how their families are buying less plastic zipper bags. Not only are students using metal forks and spoons in the cafeteria, but students are also bringing washable utensils from home and cloth napkins!
Video List Franklin Dishwasher Short Documentary at KNBC