M.A.C.K. stands for Mountain Avenue Committed to Kids. It’s a nonprofit organization consisting of parents, teachers, and staff committed to promoting quality education for the children at Mountain Avenue Elementary. M.A.C.K. raises funds to support ALL children at Mountain Avenue Elementary School in their individual pursuit of an excellent academic, creative, and physical education by supplying the needed resources.
When you donate to M.A.C.K., you are making a difference in every single classroom! Every dollar raised goes directly to the students. You are contributing to classroom Chromebooks, teacher grants, Accelerated Reader and IXL Math programs, library books, music class, classroom technology, after school clubs, and so much more!
If you would like to make a donation to M.A.C.K., click HERE
Look at these simple ways to support M.A.C.K.
Your support to M.A.C.K. means SO much and is greatly appreciated! ♥