GCC Tutors at Verdugo Academy
To schedule, please contact one of the following:Maria Zendejas @ mzendejas@gusd.net 818-548-0740 ext. *1200Alison Curtiss @ acurtiss@gusd.net 818-548-0740 ext. *12512023 Fall GCC TutorsName Recommended Grades to Work With Areas of Academic Strengths Arthur M. 6th-12th Math Eva A. 6th-12th English, Writing, History Mari K. 6th-12th English & Math Moses F 6th-12th Math & Chemistry Nanor K. 6th-12th English & Science Times are subject to change. Please look at the calendar for accurate times available.K-5th grade students need teacher recommendations for tutoringCancellations must occur 12 hours or more before the appointment. Otherwise, students may forfeit future opportunities.