PBIS at Monte Vista!

  • PAWS

    PBIS is a system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create a positive school environment, which is the most effective type of learning environment.


    On January 11, 2019, Monte Vista kicked off our school-wide implementation of PBIS with assemblies for all grade levels. The word, PAWS, spells out our school-wide expectations (see document below). Posters/banners of our expectations are displayed throughout the campus.  In addition, matrices of PAWS-related behaviors specific to common areas (see document below) are posted around the school to remind students of the expectations outside of the classroom. Classrooms will also have matrices posted to remind students of the behaviors expected within the classroom. The Monte Vista staff has collaborated to create a system that provides immediate, intermittent, and long-term reinforcements, given by any staff member to any student displaying desired school-wide expectations and behaviors.


    Implementation of a complete PBIS system will be done in stages. In addition to the expectations and matrices, our staff is currently working on creating a system for discouraging inappropriate behavior by defining classroom-managed (minor) behaviors and office-managed (major) behaviors. This system will focus on corrective consequences rather than punitive consequences by establishing a continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behaviors.


    The purpose of PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. Please ask your child about PAWS and school expectations and use it to address situations that they may bring to your attention. To further support your child, PAWS behavior expectations can also be used to identify behaviors that you would like to see from your child at home. This home-school connection will provide consistency, making it easier for students to understand and exhibit appropriate behaviors.



    Behavior Matrix