F.A.C.T.S. | Foothill Area Community Transition Services

  • About F.A.C.T.S. 

    As an extension of special education services in the Foothill SELPA, students with disabilities ages 18-22 may participate in F.A.C.T.S. (Foothill Area Community Transition Services). Located in community locations, the F.A.C.T.S. Program provides students with a natural transition to adult life. Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for F.A.C.T.S. students include:


    • Continuing Education - Students have access to courses offered at local community college campuses and centers. Classes are selected based on a student's interests and choice. School district staff provides necessary support.

    • Vocational Activities - Students receive support in seeking and maintaining employment. Support includes job development, vocational training, and job coaching. The development of natural job supports is emphasized.

    • Domestic Skills Training - Students receive support in developing skills to live as independently as possible in their choice of residences.

    • Involvement in General Community Activities - These activities provide opportunities for students to become integral members of their communities. These might include accessing stores, services, and resources typically used by others in the community.

    • Recreational and Leisure Activities - Students learn skills needed to participate in recreational activities of their choice. These activities allow them to make productive use of free time when alone or with others.

    • Age-Appropriate Integration within Natural Environments - Activities take place in real-life settings. Care is taken to ensure that students with disabilities are not over-represented relative to the number of non-disabled individuals in the environment.


    Based on their interests and abilities, students participate in an individualized program that provides a seamless transition from public school to adult life. Students develop skills essential to participating in work, community, and home settings.


    Placement in the FACTS Program is made after an IEP team determines eligibility.

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