Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How? Answer: They are a grandfather, father, and son.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please use the link below for tonight's Budget Hearing at 6:00 p.m. and Board of Education meeting at 6:30 p.m.. If you have questions about the budget, the chat feature will be available to submit your questions during the Budget Hearing.
about 3 years ago, Mandy VanValkenburgh
The Varsity Girl's softball game for tonight has been cancelled. They will have practice 3-4:30. Please dress accordingly.
about 3 years ago, Mandy VanValkenburgh
Varsity Boys Will have practice today from 3-5pm.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please be advised that today’s (May 10th) Varsity Boys game is cancelled.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and riddle for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: An Uber driver is going the opposite way down a one-way street. He passes five policemen along the way, none of which stops him. Why not? Answer: Because the Uber driver was walking.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Laney Jackson and Bray Shultes!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Ruahan Alley!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Aleisiah Maxim!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Brynn and Chase Cummings, Cassidy Miller, Ms. Jackie Cestare and Mrs. Christine Fancher!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and fun fact for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: Did you know? Including today there are only 8 more Fridays left until Graduation. Have a great day!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Dakota Oliver!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and fun fact for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: Did you know? The hashtag symbol is technically called an octothorpe. Have a great day!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please be advised that the Varsity boys will practice at 5 pm (a change from 3 pm-5 pm) this evening indoors.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and joke for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: Did you hear about the semi-colon that broke the law? He was given two consecutive sentences. Have a great day!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Please be advised that the Varsity Girls game tonight is cancelled. There will be no practice tonight. There will be practice tomorrow night 3-5 pm.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Good Morning! Reminder and joke for the day: Please remember to complete your/your child's daily attestation form, to do so click the link below: What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before getting married? Feyoncè Have a great day!!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
The Faculty and Staff here at GCCS would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Matthew Keyser and Emily Pebler!
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Below is the link for tonight's BOE meeting. The meeting will be opened and then go into executive session.
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer
Any juniors interested in taking the June SAT need to register by Thursday, May 6th at Registration information is also available on the school website. Stop by the Guidance Office for a fee waiver to cover the cost of the test. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Ringuette at
about 3 years ago, Taramichele Cammer